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Monday, June 30, 2008

Another late night post...

Every night... I'll always think... review... I'll also find out the sadness in me... I want to express myself... share my joys, sadness with people.. I just can't go into detail in my life.. I really hope that people can understand me... that makes me feel better but... Only the Lord understands me COMPLETELY... But he is not lke a friend... that can talk to me... play with me.... Its so hard to cope with life... I just want to cry everytime all these things happen... And yet... When I'm happy.. I want to remember the pain... Why?... I don't know... ONly if anyone can listen to me... put away differences... be a part of me.... share my joy, pain.... Not even a wife can do that.... How possible is it for any P6 pupils? Life is SO HARD... I really don't know what to do... Suicide is tempted... but I'll never do it... I really don't know... No time now... I'm going...

always waiting. -11:03 AM

Super Confused... Super sian... Don't know what to do...

Now back to maple... Not chioning... once in a while playing... Just got hooked onto Harvest Moon... Played for it very long... Finished my homework liao... Passing a biography book.... Around in class... Then... like that lor... I still miss my dad... Haizz.... Don't know how to study... Planning to make a study group.. But how? ... haizz.... School tomorrow.... I really miss my dad... Have to cover it everyday in school... Sian...

always waiting. -8:29 AM

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My family... Chalet...

Still can't face reality... Haizzz... The joy I have is painful joy... Every time I'm happy... I'm sad... Every time I'm sad... I'm sad....I forgot.. If I have mntioned, That I got perfect eyesight for the health check... saved about $1300 so far from last year I think..... I feel good whne I pray... I want to share it but I don't know how... My amily seemed breaking up... My father in thailand... My sis wanna go chalet.. My mother doesn't.. Separated.. I thought I might go crazy or something.. I didn't know what to do... But my mum sill went afterall... At that point of time... I felt, The trophies, the certificates.. That I had won more than anyone else on that day... Was pointless.... But I hope for the better.... I'm in chalet now... Very sian... Just started playing harvest moon... After this post I'm gonna go continue... Went to Wild Wild Wet just now... Was boring... If my friends were there.. It would be better... But not as good as my father there.... So... That's about it... Bye...

always waiting. -7:20 AM

Friday, June 27, 2008

So far...

So far... 4 school days have passed... I'm still sad.... Don't know what to do... Recently started playing my character in maple... But not going to chiong... No time... Then after school.... Normally I'll go playground and after that Jarren... Or Zi Jie will come to my house to do Homework... Life is no fun... Though I feel happy at times... I wanna be like last time... But I don't want to because...I want my father to share my joys.. I don't want to be happy without him.... Haizz... I still miss him... I'm so confused... Don't know what to do... The Lord will guide me... Day by day... Somehow... Don't remember what to post... Bloging really isn't for me... Feel... Bad... Sian... Just finished homeworks at 5+ just now...

always waiting. -9:24 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Loved one

You don't know when your loved one can leave anytime... And its quite ok if they're beside you... But it takes 3-4months before I can see my father... Maybe I can't go over... which will take about 6months where chances are very low... the higher chances can take up to 1- 1 and a half year... So how? I don't know... The greatest regret you can say... but I'll have to leave it to the Lord...

always waiting. -1:12 PM

Movies....But it ain't the same without my father...

Haizz.... I still miss my father... I won't have the blogging spirit I had in the past.. It just isn't the same.... Everytime I think about him... I can just break down and cry.... Regret.... Back to movies, just came back from Yishun, Golden Village... Watched KungFu Panda... A must-watch show... Extremely hilarious and amazing.. love the show... But I can't enjoy as much... I still remember... him... living alone in Thailand... Thinking of us... I'm so sad... Ever been really ALONE? The advertisements.... I look forward to watching Narnia, Prince caspian, Madagascar 2, Sing to the dawn, adventure to the centre of the earth... All amazing shows... And... one more...Can't remember... If I could, I can write an autobiography... But how to remember every single details and stuff that I wanna post? Life is hard to understand... One of us is harder to understand.... I still hope to share the joy I have experienced with all... But there're many things beyond my control... So I pray daily... For answers.... For help... For understanding of people around me... For me to understand and them to understand me.... Its mierable... What I feel... I don't want to forget this pain... I don't want joy while others are sad... I don't want things to be like that... Why? I ask... I really don't know what to do... What to say.... I really love my dad... I got touched by KungFu Panda....Hope you can watch it too... The 5-star show... bye...

always waiting. -12:57 PM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2ND School Day...I still miss my father...

I still miss my father... Its just not the same without him.... I really hope there's enough time to be with him...A second chance... Went to school today... of course.... Started passing around my autobiography book yesterday... My arm still hurts from the injection yesterday... Tomorrow gonna get my trophies I won for the school and my team at Nan chiau science and math tests... Well... Its normal normal, did my homework, played computer, played at the playground today and yesterday... Going to play games after I do my homework later... I'm not really working hard... I don't know how to... Sian... So... Going back to tell about my experience with the Lord... I treated him as another human being and doubted him... Not realli right... But now I have started to change towards him... That day... I read the bible... Before that... I prayed and prayed that he'll give me answers and what I needed, joy... Joy... What I felt was from my father... Though my friends at school are fun... I'm slowly changing to be better... But I'm still considered bad... I occasionally during at school... would think of him... The fun here... Is only temporary but... The joy from my father will be more permanent than those joys.... JOY-Jesus first, Others second, and You last... To have joy... It is like that... But joy must be in you... Worrying doesn't add another hour to your life... But I still can't help worrying... My mum comforted me that night... When I cried out my worries to her... I feel better now... Back to the bible... And after that... I read Ecclesiastes chapter1-3(It was randomly flipped) I got many answers to life itself... And also Luke11-12 and also Proverbs 31.. They can be found in the bible. I prayed for understanding before this.. And I understood more than what I usually understand... The answers were there from the start... I just didn't read deep into the meaning... Belive in the Lord, Trust him and you will SEE, you will HEAR and you must PREACH. These words... guided me... Forgiving people must be a constant habbit... But of course punishment must not come from you but the Lord himself... You must first start by forgiving 7 times... After that 77... Next 777... then 7777 and so on... See what stage you reach... If you ever make it higher than the 10 stage, You're good... But forgiving alone doesn't bring you to Heaven... Praying... Reading the bible... Doing his works in order to his Will... Believing and trusting in him... Brings you to the treasure in Heaven... Fear the one hat can send you to hell.... or heaven... Don't fear those that can hurt your body badly... The one that can send your soul to hell is the one that is important... Can and not Will... My life... Has alot of pain, joys, worries... You might not realise... But... Next time... All you can do is regret... Never regret if you choose not to believe... Change if you can... If you can't... I don't know what else to say... But you always have aq chance or more... Like the Lord has given me... I miss my past.... I wish I could back... The happy times then... My father was with me... But never regret still... Nobody... Only the Lord can take away pain.. I pray that he'll help me... This post is getting long... So I'm going to keep this short...
. Prayer: From the bible
Father in heaven, May your name be honoured, may your kingdom come... May what you want to be done be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven... Give us today our daily bread, Forgive us our sins just as we also have forgiven others... Keep us from sin when we are tempted... Save us from the Evil one...
Lord, I pray that you'll keep me in good hands... You'll take care of me and shield me like you can shield the clouds, the sun... I pray Lord... You'll give me success in studying, help me to be hardworking, (you can pray for, alot more)(And take note, all these needs effort... It won't happen on its own) To be a better person... No evil or Satan can exist on Earth... Evil and Satan will be sent to hell by the holy fire from Jesus... I pray for my fellow friends, teachers, family and relatives and also others... That you will change them from bad to good points and good to better points... I pray for them as I have prayed for myself... God bless all! Amen.
I'll repeat... Take note, all these needs effort... It won't happen on its own.
Ok... Time I stop... Bye bye...

always waiting. -7:31 AM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

School Day...

I'm still missing my dad... I pray that the Lord will give me enough time.... So... I don't really have much time now... So I won't post much... But believe in the Lord... you will see the truth... He will be coming soon.... he has helped me.... given me what I need... But I failed to realise that and neglected him.... I'll go and do some preparation and I'll be gone to sleep... So I'll be back tomorrow... Ok... Bye bye... Oh... And Today was the first opening school day of the 3rd term and we got our injections... on both side of our arms.... Very bad... Pain... But okay lah... I just found out that they injected viruses into you! So that you can figure out how to fight that type of virus and thus can fighg future viruses... And we did check up today.... I could see all the numbers on both eyes.... So good! While my friends.... even when wearing spectacles... Can't see half of it... Bad... Ok... I really have to go now... Bye bye.... Still very sad....

always waiting. -11:10 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008

My continuing sad story that made me tear...

Becoming so emotional... Because of the fear I realised... Everyone... Almost everyone... Doesn't care about this or that... Because maybe you think it is not... but it is, that you have alot of time... Anything can happen... Anytime... He can be separated anytime.... And I can do nothing about it.... Unless the Lord guides him back to work at Singapore... But currently.... He's planning on working in Thailand ... And after retiring stay there... And follow God's will.... Which means.... He can never stay permanently with me.... I have to study at Singapore... And he's so old now... about 45? Many of you are fortunate.... To have your parents beside you almost daily... Even if they leave? They should come back within that month... Its not going to happen to me... I'm so weak... Crying and crying last night... And my eyes got swollen... Because of that fear... He can leave me anytime! And I don't want that to happen! If studying 23hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds a day... Can stay with me.... There's a possibility I might do it... My grandfather died... And my heart was almost broken... I didn't have much with him... But my heart almost fell out... I wonder what would happen if it was him... I know this... I must start working hard... I wanna make him proud... But this laziness inside me is pulling me down... I magine what if I can never see him again... Being with him... brings me joy... he has guided me for so long... There's a bond between us.... He has taught me so much... I treat him as a role model.... I'm also counting the days left till I can go to Thailand again.... My eyes have healed now... I just went basketball just now, and went to church before that.... I was still having sore eyes at church... If anyone murders my father.... I want to... But I know I must not... revenge... Revenge is never a good thing... A tooth for a tooth makes the whole world bogay... An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind... There's no ending... Something I'm trying hard to change... the revenge inside me... Wake up all that read this blog! There is no more time! Be good while you still can.... I hope there is still time... That the Lord will make time for us to see each other again... I had a made a long prayer yesterday... praying for everyone to realise the time now... Nobody is getting younger, Not all baddies are getting better... Anything can happen.... 4year old people can die... So what are you waiting for??.. I wanna remember this.... and not to change back to what I used to be... a little like a jerk... I want to be better... And I hope for you all too... My father... He was always there for me... No matter what and when I need him... I still remember when he carried, drove me to the 24hour clinic in the middle of the night because I had a tummy ache.... I'm so emotional... Even songs can make me sad... Because... songs put me in their place... sad songs... losing things... I can feel the sadness in these songs...Ok... All these has to go.... I'll continue on others... My flight back to SG yesterday... I watched CJ7 and had a nice meal... The story was so sad... Imagine if there was no CJ7... and that was me and my father.... I would have regretted... and maybe died on the spot... I must work hard... Anyone free for tutoring chinese... please notfiy me at CBox or message my phone... If you already know... bye bye.... I'm gonna go already...

always waiting. -11:37 AM

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I still can't help it... I just miss him... Sianz... I just hope that... I can stay in SG today, tommorow go to Thailand then the day after go back SG and the next day go back Thailand and so on... All this missings have to go.... Yet I don't wanna let it go... I can almost imagine what will happen to me when we are separated forever... when he takes his last... I really hope he can stay forever with me... But that's all my wishful thinking.. Anybody to accompany me? please?... Drowned in eternal sorrow..... I'm sure... No one wants me to be like this... I just pray to the Lord for guidance.... I feel like doing all the activities I used to do back then in those days... Out everyday basketball here and there.... But now... I realise... How much my father would miss me when I'm enjoying myself... He's all alone there in Thailand... I really can't bring myself to enjoy life again... I wonder if I'll break down.... I gotta go...

always waiting. -2:44 PM

Back in SG... But so what?

I'm back in SG... Only to realise... I don't miss Thailand.. I just miss my home and my father.... I just realised spending time with him... made me realise... with him by my side, I feel safe... I just pray to the Lord that one day... My father will return from work and stay with me in SG... He is currently working in Thailand and staying there... I just can't stop missing him and my house there... It makes me cry and reminds me of my childhood friends... during nursery and K1 K2... I miss them all... Why does it have to be this way??!?!?! WHY!?!?!?! I'm losing myself... Trying to break free to go to another world.... So hard to take the pain.... I can't live without him.... This time... I'm counting the days till my father's return... It doesn't seem near at all.... I don't feel the security... the joy I used to have with him anymore... Typing all these makes me cry.... Why is this so cruel???.... why?.... I'm going now........

always waiting. -2:22 PM

Back to SG...

Ok... I slept at 5AM(SG time) last night... woke up at 12PM today and went to cut hair, last-minute preparations... Going out to the airport soon.... After I bathe... Home sweet home... I wanna go back like RIGHT NOW yet I wanna stay at Thailand... Ok... No time liao... bye bye.... Later....

always waiting. -5:57 AM

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Its 3AM now in Thailand.. Not planning to sleep... I'm flying back to SG later in the afternoon... So... Just now.... We went shopping again... ate buffet again... then so and so... Nothing much.... Then packed alot liao.... then... now watching movies over and over.... just got a shock just now.... when HARIS sent me this scary chain letter... Got so shocked... But at least I still had the courage to close the email before walking downstairs.... Ok... I'm gonna watch movie liaoz... And... 30second songs are fixed plus one new song added... That's all... bye bye...

always waiting. -7:01 PM

Friday, June 20, 2008


I won't be as active as I am in Thailand because I'm probably bored in Thailand... But I tihnk I'll keep short when I'm in SG...

always waiting. -2:08 PM


Wow! It seemed so long since I blogged! Because I went to Pattaya yestrday morning and I can't use any computers there... so here I am! Here to talk about Pattaya.. And what happened in the 2 days... First, yesterday morning... We went to pattaya, shopped and shopped till they drop... First went to Tesco then don't know where... shop... then got so many shops... shop and shop... then later... we go market.. buy chicken wing and eat, see dogs... then we go market... that's where I bought presents... For people... Then later go eat shark's fin dinner at NUM SING I think... then... eat alot... then we go to the walking street... The adult playground, where A-go-gos dance... and all... then if you go in, they'll start revealing... Then got all the pornographic stuff... But of course we didn't go in, just saw some chio bus and that's all..... then... we go back to hotel... played a bit... go sleep... wake up... go eat breakfast at hotel... Then go walk walk... Then go swimming... Then go sleep somemore... then wake up and pack our things... Then check out... and go back to Bangkok... Then before gojung home... Still go factory outlet and then seacon before going home where I am right now... at the computer... During shopping at Tesco... My father missed me again... I tapped his left shoulder and then I ran through the right... then next he looked to the left and laughed because he though if he swings his right arm back, he'll get me... but I was already in fornt... And I laughed at him, then we laughed together.... Then ... I have bought a few sets of basketball clothes liao... better remember to bring back to SG... So... Very miss SG... going back this Saturday... Now.. I'm gonna go add songs to my blog liao... So... bye bye...I tired liao.. so not posting much... bye bye again...

always waiting. -1:46 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Buffet again?

Haha... OF course not the same one as before lah... Don't have to b shocked... Even if its really the same one... Haha.... ok.. I was playing games, then we went for dinner at the buffet... and then came back and I started reading ghost stories... Muhahahaha.... Not scary at all... http://members.tripod.com/~DragonKid/main.html Then now I'm gonna play arcane again before I sleep... Will be going to Pattaya tomorrow morning... Gotta sleep early... So not much left to say.. I just can't remember what I wanna post... But that's all right...... So anyway... Till tomorrow..^^

always waiting. -3:22 PM

3hrs study and gamez

Sorry... I'm back! I was studying and now left awhile more... so I take a break... played some games.. Woke up late today... Playd a few games, studied a lot... and here I am.. Not much today.. Because I didn't go out, only my aunts and my father did.. So I played this really cool game ARCANE and TYPING NINJA HUNTER... http://www.kongregate.com/games/Andvari/typing-ninja-hunter and for ARCANE, http://www.kongregate.com/games/Hadar1989/arcane ... So... That's about it... I completd Arcane already and now... playing ninja hunter... and will go back to study later.... so ... bye bye... ^^ Till later...

always waiting. -10:38 AM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Generations to come...

For generations to come.. I worry about the kids.. Lol... I've always seen real people acting in shows like power ranger.. The kids just watch to much and these stupid shows... they sent mascots to further dumben the kids... Just did a survey today for the kids before they left.. and guess what? They were like.. YES! ULTRAMAN IS REAL! I say they just wear costumes and they said YEAH! BUT THEY CAN REALLY BECOME ULTRAMAN! Its like.. omg... die lah.. kids... Too obsessed.. Imagine what future generations will be like? Even now a days.. Kids will say, when unhappy, I call police catch you... Then nevermind.. Then when I get the chance to say that first... They'll say I'll call power ranger SPD the entire force to catch you..... I'm like ..... and ..... and ......... and more ............. Ok... enough for today... Go do the songs for my blog and sleep... Attempting to wake up at 5AM tomorrow... bye bye.. till tomorrow... ^^

always waiting. -4:15 PM

A lai ge dai! and songs I like...

In Thailand its like... A lai ge dai! Which means anything also can... In Thailand its more dangerous and wrong stuff are commited and they go unnoticed... typical Thailand.. Once my father got confused and scared because on the road, he saw so many motorists going in the opposite way on the same road... But in fact.. the motorists were just lazy of going one big round.... Lolz...

No promises...
Baby, When we are here together, doing things, that we love, baby
Every...time you need refill I come in heaven, feeling high... I don't wanna let go girl...
I just need you to know girl...
I don't wanna run away, baby, you're the one I need tonight, no promises...
Baby, Now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms.............................................
Its tonight... And then I lazy type out the lyrics liao... Can't confirm its right but... Maybe? Sogns that make me go emotional... lols.... bye bye.. till don't know when ^^

always waiting. -4:06 PM

Billions happened today...

Well... Wanted to jog today morning.... haha... but couldn't wake up.. lols.... Then.... the kids left... Going back to SG but I'm not going back yet.... Hope soon... But when I'm back at SG, I don't think I'll be as active here... because here... I got nothing better to do.... so... blog and blog like siao....The kids gone liao... A bit bored lah... Spent too much time with them... But nevermind lah... can tahan... Today many good and bad things happen... The kids left liao... Then we went to THE MALL... to do what else.... OF COURSE SHOP LAH! What else do my aunts know? Lol... Then we went there for lunch... Sizzler... not as good as SG definitely... Then after that... shop until I super sian.... Going to sleep liaoz.... Someore... I don't think I'll be as active when in SG because school is reopening... and there's maple to play... and about the private server.. after so much perservation... I finally found out.. Thailand can't download it.... ZZZ... So... I stop liao loh... Go back SG try download again... Well.... Back to the mall.... By the way, THE MALL is the name of the shopping centre...... Back to the mall.... Two entertainments there....First... I kept tapping on my mother's shoulders and she keep turning back... a bit bo liao but once I squat down and she missed my head by an inch... That was the most fun part of tapping her shoulders... Next entertainment was bowling... couldn't beat my father... Grrrr.... And after that.. ate so much snacks and stuff till our family decided not to have dinner... but me, my father, and one of my aunt, ate noodles again... After we went to Carrefour then we ate... Then we went to Carrefour to shop somemore... but as I said, childish me... I bought more swords and toys... I think I'm gonna start learning how to draw nice japanese cartoons... and create storylines.... and characters.... fighting... haha... but my father told me not to go too much into it and concentrate on my studies... I guess I will... Then I said a phrase... that rhymes! I didn't plan it though... Durians in SG are still the best, I guess? Lame bah? nevermind... Oh yeah.. The worst thing that happened today is at the mall...I lost 1000baht... which is about 50ssing dollars.... ~CRYZ~K... I'll stop now... I trying to go jogging tomorrow... bye bye... next time... ^^

always waiting. -3:47 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008

I need a cup, Or I need a car...

Where were we? This morning woke up pretty tired because yesterday stayed up till 1AM and woke up today at 9AM... Stayed up to do the stupid maple thing.... Ok... Then we went to church, went to fashion island... ate lunch... Went shopping, bought running shoes, gonna wear tomorrow to go jogging 5AM... then we went for dinner.... and here I am... not much.... A little sian when shopping but when we went for dinner, got chio girl stand on stage and sing...HAHAHA... But of course I'm not gonna chase her or anything xD.... but got the wind special effects somemore... lol.... then later they pack up and go liao, then a second group came up.. another chio girl but who cares.... we were going liao... lol.... So wondering why the head of this post is I need a cup, or I need a car? Because... If you say it fast to the tune of A neel le khrap(r is silent), the word I need a cup, It will sort of like.. have two meanings... so we were joking about it.... I need a cup, said as a neel le khrap, is like... What did I just say? Then you say the answer is wrong and say the other one... a neel le khrap means Is this it? and khrap is used by man.. so if you're a girl... its khar...Don't know if I got spell wrong anot... which is car for simple pronounciation.... K... I going to watch Da Vin Ci Code on the TV liao... bye bye... Till later...^^( I hope)

always waiting. -1:51 PM

Maple download progress+School is coming soon...

Haizz... Gonna give up on the maple thingy soon..... So freaking slow! And keep having errors!... So sian.. Hopefully this one will work...zzz... School.... is coming soon... 3weeks gone liao... Just like that... Haiz.....HAIZZZ..... Sian..... Enjoy lah... Before school comes... xD.. Gonna make a new post now... byebye^^.

always waiting. -1:42 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Download Again!

This stupid maplestory private server is taking so much time... Keep failing... Now good thing I have a continuer manger programme....I'll restart download now... I hope tomorrow can play liao.... Its gonna take awhile for the file to download because its 12kb per second and the file is 833ooo kb.... Hope I can play soon!... xD

bye bye... ^^

always waiting. -3:55 PM

Childish Me...

WOW! From 29hours, the downloading thing jumped to 58hours before I went for dinner! but it reduced to 33hours... so I think I'll reboot the computer after this post and try downloading it again...

Childish Me...
Well, ever seen kids gone too much in to power rangers, pokemon, digimon or ultraman? I'm just like that but in an advanced stage... Equipping myself with self-designed stuff, self-designed weapons and skills and even the power I wield( Of course I'll be better than others^^) Much higher stage... All these will be in my mind... So I enjoy jumping around fighting air... creating my own storyline... that's REALLY a story... and not like a bit of this and that... Its a story... Adventure... That's all for Childish Me... Haha...
K I'm gonna reboot the computer liao... byez...^^

always waiting. -2:34 PM

Songs are my greatest enemies

Songs... They make me go emotional... xD heard a few songs...Its like they make me cry... The feelings of the song... I can sing till very emotional 1 loh...Its like making me hate everything... xD... But I won't succumb to it... lol... So... Was waiting for the stuff to download, guess what? Operation timed out... Restart the download... Need another 29hours... omg...We went to the airport to fetch my aunts and next my father on halfway, had to go back and take out the things in the boot for space... next he went the wrong way, so have to go back... but it was a blessing in disguise... When we turned back we saw fireworks... Haha... Then fetched our aunts, went to Lotus(Tesco),A shop, and bought wanton mee and now back home sitting at the computer haha... going to eat my mee liao... be back later...
byebye..^^till later

always waiting. -2:16 PM

Still very sianzzz...

Nothing better to do now... Everybody is out of house except me, my father and my sis... My sis using the computer and now my father is fixing the new table... Later going to fetch my aunts from the airport... because our house is so near... 20 minutes drive away... Just walked around.. blogged a little, played the computer a little... waiting for the maple private server... tested the home gym, needs to be a little edited... helping my father fix the table... so bored right now.... haizzz... Oh and... the time of my posts, I normally put SG time... so its 6.38PM in Thailand now.. but I'll put the time to like 7.38PM...Then I'll go check for Dragonfable the update because yesterday, they said today there'll be a war.... and maple private server I heard that its super easy to train, like 500 xp per snail or something... and so on...
Ok.... Nothing more to say.... byebye...

always waiting. -10:36 AM

Exercise thingy(home gym)

Sitting at the com... waiting for th download of maple private srver... taking 16hrs.... whil oso waiting for my father and 2 guys fixing the home gym... So sianzzz....
Byebye... Nothing much to type liaoz....

always waiting. -7:41 AM


Please go visit my links lol... Especially Haris' blog, try the optical illusions and the maze... See if you're freaked out! HAHAHA and anyway.. today no need to study!!! woohoo and yeah... tonight at 8PM(Thailand time) My aunts are coming.. Woke up very late today because I slept late yesterday night... So had breakfast.. fooled around and here I am trying to work on the maple private server... Something happened... That's all for now..
See you later^^...

always waiting. -6:52 AM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Plans for the tent and plans for the not-sleeping lol

Actually, Tonight wanted to sleep in the tent my father bought outside our house but... I have another plan for not sleeping and since I'm gonna sleep alone... no way... so the plan is cancelled... but I'm thinking about whether to stay up through the night... Its more fun if my cousin, Nanzhen gor gor, would be here with me, I tell you we could go DotA 24/7 hahaha... but see how...

No colours for this post except here ^^ and byebye!

always waiting. -7:30 PM

Tiring Day!(Especially when I have to type this post TWICE!)

AI YAH!!! TYPED SO MUCH LIAO THEN IT SWITCHED TO ANOTHER WEBSITE....I don't wanna type again..... Argh.. Nevermind...
Ok... Type again... Did alot today... Let's recall....I really don't want to type again... Type so much... Everything is gone!.... Ok first... I was editing, and after that... played lego, then played computer, then went to carrefour to buy new chair and table for the just repaired computer and sn bian to go do don't know what because they lost the sales form for the big exercise thingy... Tomorrow the chair, table and exercise thingy will be sent to my house, and then after carrefour... we went to our house outside to eat noodles, then went to LAN shop to play CS and DotA, then sat on my sis's bike and went crazy again.... then reached home played computer, watched I Am Legend, and here I am... Did so much... Sorry didn't post much today because had no time... when I was playing, I was actually being an advisor for my father for a game...
K... I can't wait to start playing on the new exercise thingy tomorrow... Man... I can't really put expression into these stuffs anymore.... Its like I'm acting and I have to replay...zzz... xD... No more feelings...Well at the LAN shop...After owning at DotA and CS, went home on the bike with my sis, but it was not so bad as before... so hahahahaha... argh... and I'm not typing the same... Now it sounds funny....zzz. Alien VS Predator 2 wasn't so good, but I loved I Am Legend... I'm beginning to create an album of shows in a disk-keeper...Don't know what its called...And its almost filled with the shows I bought in Thailand... K.. I think I better save now... I DON'T WANT TO TYPE IT 3 TIMES!...And Oh yeah... I think I'll go check Dragonfable for the update now... Have so much to post but I just can't remember! MAYBE I'M GETTING OLD?!?!?! Lolz... Byebye... Maybe till later? ^^ or actually... :(

always waiting. -6:47 PM


Just reviewed lots of my posts and realised so much more to say.. But I'll keep it short.. At the LAN shop... I normally play DotA and CS because.. I can play CS alone and second... There's a lot of people there that plays DotA... And... Please.. When reading my posts... Double check my English for me.... If you see words :gonna, wanna, I'ma, sian, lor, argh or singlish nevermind... just check for spelling errors like from nvm to nevermind, juz to just and so on... That's all... K I'll continue with my editing. Let me know from my CBox....^^

always waiting. -6:56 AM

Editor For Today!

Well... I'm gonna spend some time editing my posts...Change the English to proper ones and not slangs... Gonna be busy so...
Bb.. Till later at night...^^

always waiting. -6:23 AM

Friday The 13th Is Very Xie(Chinese Word)...Something Bad Will Happen...

Sian... I haven't study my 3hrs and its 2pm now.... see how lar....... going to study soon... i think... well... woke up later today because I watched Alien VS Predator 2 yesterday(but I didn't watch I Am Legend)... slept very late... so woke up later today then... my father was repairing a computer.. well it worked finally and we joked about there... we were talking about physical weakness on the body and my sis says the centre of the stomach and so and so... but next she started playing a fool by doing the double finger hits on the chest to paralyse someone and she kept doing that to freeze, unfreeze, freeze, unfreeze and she will say toot toot, and toot toot to unfreeze and my father said you toot lar!(From chinese shows) Hahaha then next my father said... Today is Friday the 13th, Oh! the Xie(superstitious, many bad things will happen) day! Then my sis said.... today is very xie, tonight, something bad will happen.... because... you have to... sleep! right..... not funny at all... but.... hahaha...hahahaha....ok so funny, HHAHAHAHAHA. Well... a good thing about Friday the 13th is... there will be a new update on Dragonfable. Then... drank some coconut... and did some stuff... and here I am... blogging... so many things I wanna post but just can't remember... so... nevermind... probably study soon and after that, go to the LAN shop... Oh yeah... and my dog just went back to ChiangMai today because... my aunts are coming over tomorrow...
Byebye...Till later^^

always waiting. -6:03 AM

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bees For Dinner?!?!?!?!

Sorry about not posting after my 3hours study today.... because after I studied finish, my dad was using till we had to go to the buffet dinner, one of my favourites... But it totally turned around when we went there... So.... after I completed my studies... once again very sian.... but after that... I had lots of fun time during the car ride and dinner... Ok.. after studies... we went to have buffet dinner... the most shocking sight...BEES FLYING ALL OVER THE DESSERTS! well like... so what?... well next... they CRAWLED all over the the dessert... not over... they SWAM in the dessert and lastly... THEY DIED THERE!Ewwww!!!!! I know.... but guess wad... I still ate it MUAHAHAHAHA... Dare number 2 ^^. Then we had fun... I invented a kung fu called katare instead of karate and my father fought me with his one-finger kung fu, he used his fingers to tickle(invincible) xD... Well saying it isn't much fun... because i didn't go into details... well during the car ride... my sis goes crazy again... she's like that at home but is sort of acting like mature when she's out... she's still like a kid at home... just like me! ^^ well then we went to carrefour... bought some exercise materials.... and even bought a big exercising thingy that will be delivered the next day...and next I bought Alien VS Predator 2 and I am legend... should be watched by tonight...
So... i don't have much time... have to stop about now... so byebye till later or tomorrow(dint go lan shop today)^^

always waiting. -2:57 PM

MY SIS IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Part2

This morning..... I woke up....... You know why?.... My sis.... I woke up this morning... because someone was digging my ear... Natural response turned me over only to realise my sis lying on the bed facing me, laughing retardily.... Thats not enough.... You see... she normally wakes up about 2Pm or 3Pm in the afternoon... and I would wake up about 10-11... Then after she laughed at me retardily, she then told me the time is 3Pm... You are so late.... then I thought... no way, and I took a glance at the clock... it was only 11.40am... so I said ARGH!!! its 3PM!!!!!! right... and I went back to sleep also saying... its no longer Thailand time, its some other country's time... then she said yes! its Thailand time! the clock is spoiled! I'll go and adjust it for you... Then she said.. no... its tiger time... an international time... then I argued with her and all the funny crap came out..... and finally I lost... because she talked crap... oh well.... I ate my breakfast, played some basketball, played lego and here I am... for my early morning post ^^...
kkays... can't talk liao gotta go study for 3hrs.... byebye...
Marquee ends the post!

always waiting. -4:11 AM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Going crazy with Marquee!(scrolling words)

Well... Got nothing much left to post....But I'm here to try marquee! lolz... after this post I'ma go and sleep liaozzzzz..... marquee time...

Scrolling words!!! lol...
k.... That's about all.... bb till tmr...^^

always waiting. -3:35 PM


Came back from LAN shop at 10PM...on the way back..... my sis got crazy on the motorbike.... 3 guys were on a motorbike beside us.... and they asked for her number...(lols) she was like omg hahahaha and we kept laughing about it... and they followed us all the way till our house....(its not that they want to, its on their way)then after that she turned into our house lane but did not enter our house gates... we went for a spin... then she got crazy..... she was acting a little retarded like.... Daryl! Got hump!(which means... she's calling my name telling me theres a hump on the road) and she would say it as if I'm the driver.... next she would slow down to pass the hump... and when nearing the hump... she would speed! Omg I wasn't holding anything! Then next it was so dark and scary.... god knows what was happening?... you know maybe possessed.... haha... and then she went around in circles around a circle pavement around a bush.. she kept going in circles till we realised there was a security guard and we laughed again and drove away.... she kept saying that people will think that we are crazy... well she IS...next she went to the driving range(for playing golf)and went to the exercise station there... she asked me to get down and exercise to get muscles... I was like WHAT?!?!?! No way...! But she kept slowing down and finally stopped... so I placed myself in a relaxing position not willing to get down but... the next moment she sped and I almost fell off! Then she drove awhile more in the dark before going home... I was about to drop dead. XD... so... after I got home, ate 2 bowls of porridge.. then I bathed... and here I am... for my late night posting again..... and I MIGHT go training my motorbike tomorrow... maybe not?
kkays... that's about it... byebye... till later^^
Scrolling words! lol....haha... lame..

always waiting. -3:21 PM


Phew... I'm relieved.... just contacted my father.... my sis was doing her homework.... because she didn't study for 3hrs yesterday.... I'm so glad to know she'll be coming soon... haha not a minute to waste! better go play CS liao...
byebye....till later...^^

always waiting. -12:38 PM

Yo.. once again

Now about 8pm at Thailand, in the lan shop... played for about 3hrs liao.... waiting for my sis to return with money.... she went home to get money because we had only 100baht... and that's not going to be enough... so waiting for her return... i think I'll play CS first... hope she get's back soon... getting dam worried.... she has been gone for i think an hour? or more? die.......

FAST FAST! ok I hope I'll be back later...(if I don't get caught by the shop or something)
byebye... :( I go play CS..

always waiting. -12:18 PM

Got a terrbible shock like... LOST MY HOMEWORK!!!and in THAILAND!!!

Sianzz once again... just completed my 3hr study for today once again....so bored and so tiring to take care of so many things yet so lonely.... xD I WANT MY SG!!!... Just did something i never expected I could: I ate two bowls of Thai Laksa with so much chilli! (Thai-style is hotter than SG style)now my lips are burning red xD...
K maybe I'll go to the LAN shop again today... was fun playing botted Counter-Strike, I owned... and MAYBE I'll go and train motorbiking...(MAYBE)...
Then... next...My sis gave me a hell shock when she took my math problam sum stack of questions whitout informing me... I almost turned the whole house upside down.... MY PAPER WAS GONE! And then I remembered... my sis definitely has taken it and I went to her room... and all she said was... "PAISEI LAR!" zzz I almost killed her for that but I was relieved though...
So.... nothing much left to say... I'm just afriad of keylogger at the LAN shop... and oh yeah....haha... I saw on the door the time states: ??.00-24.00 so I assumed it closes at 12 midnight but... when we were playing till 12am liao... then the auntie told us it closes at 10....... Lol... and there is also a dog in the LAN shop(now a days in Thailand, people start having dogs in lan shops... maybe because the one we used to visit last time regularly became our good friends and also got a dog... and then many people start getting dogs... who knows?)

That's about it... byebye... ^^(or wadever... once again...)

always waiting. -7:12 AM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Late Night Post

Yep... 12.30AM (thailand time)now... back for my late night posting session... just got back from the LAN shop.. and probably take my bath and go sleep... so after I'm done linking... I'ma go to bathe... and then sleep...
bb...till tomorrow^^

always waiting. -4:38 PM

LAN shop? Yes!

Yay! i don't care about the rain... just rode through the rain and floods... to get to the LAN shop to play till 12AM when its like 9.42PM now...(thailand)...SG would be about 10.42PM... The floods were so...so.... deep... our motorbikes almost failed to even move..! but good thing the LORD is there to guide us... and I'm safely at the LAN shop now! K I'ma not gonna waste anymore time.... going to go play DotA liao..
bb... till later...^^

always waiting. -1:42 PM

LAN shop? no...

Man, I just bathed and had my dinner before that. I wanted to go to the LAN shop after my dinner with my sis on the bike but.... well we dragged and dragged and got so lazy to take money and then it rained... sian...nevermind... maybe tomorrow.... Today I ate at home... my mother and the 2 boys' mothers,my mother's friends, cooked. I can't motorbike today because my sis won't teach me... I'll push it to later...or tomorrow... or next time... argh WHO CARES... Very sian.... Ok... i think that's about it... going to http://dark-unexistence.blogspot.com/ now... its getting quiet there so..... i think i better start posting.^^ bb...

always waiting. -12:06 PM

Mr.Bean's Holiday

Sian... just completed my Studying...3hrs... Very sian liao... counting the days left till the return to SG. Oh yeah... sorry i didn't come on last night... because I was watching Mr. Bean's Holiday... It was so dam funny.... But I felt so tired after that I slept, that's why i didn't come on blogger.

The funniest part that I thought was that... he was stranded somewhere on the highway, and he got there by a bicycle, which got crushed by a tank, so he waited for a car to come... next he got trapped in the wooden toilet and many cars went pass. Then, he went onto the road with the toilet and the lorry crushed the toilet so he is out... then he continues to wait... NOW, the funny part comes... He sees a motorcycle coming his way and his face lighted up. But... the motorcycle seemed to be not moving and Mr. Bean waited for very long... till he lied on the grass, looked at his watch and all the funny actions. Finally, the motorcycle arrived, and he got on it to go with the old man riding it but the motorcycle couldn't move so the old man got down to fix it.. and Mr. Bean wanted to steal the motorcycle, and he was successful but guess what? the old man had to walk slowly to catch up with Mr. Bean... You might not think its funny when I tell you like that but... if you watch the show, you'll laugh till your heart drop out.

I don't wanna talk about the kids anymore.... they're scary... ok I'll be back later at night?(maybe).
I'll go now... and practise motorbiking... or whatever...

always waiting. -6:57 AM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Motorbike? Basketball?

K I'm back from Basketball, had dinner liao. Very sianz.... basketball no one to play with me... only those 2 kids... the guy that U TOUCHED ME! IM TELLING UR MOM cries easily and for christ's sake....... i don't wanna be in thailand no more... xD(Well not really... i just don't really want that guy) but I still miss SG...that guy is too pampered and would cry every SINGLE time he doesn't get what he wants... he doesn't understand the value of money... and sometimes... he wants to play catching and guess what? He says its unfair when someone catches him and says that no one can catch him... God..... To train him... it needs to be harsh.. but i have no control.... I'm not his parents... so oh well... just bear with that childish kid... I can't stand it no more!!!!!!! HE KEEPS CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!......... ok done.... Now about my basketball and motorbiking... basketball.. I haven't played it in ages.... but will start chionging in SG... gotta work hard..... sian lor... just now I play with them.... motorbiking...wanted to start learning but it rained just now so have to wait to tomorrow... That's about it, I might be back later at late night to continue.

See ya...

always waiting. -1:04 PM


I just completed Monday's 3hr studying streak... Wow I'm getting so bored..... man.... Not doing work on Sat and Sun is making me so lazy....WHY PSLE THIS YEAR?????? Anyway... Study hard..... Good luck all...
Coming back later in the night to report my progress of basketball training and motorbiking.. :)

always waiting. -7:12 AM

Monday, June 9, 2008

K back to the Crazy me

Again... Night now in Thailand..... Now about 3AM... Just went out at 1 AM for some money withdrawing, petrol-putting, Tyre pumping , eat some Wanton mee and then bought water... Its not like in SG we take tap water to boil... for a strange reason... my parents don't boil tap water xD. Tomorrow starting my crazy Mon-Fri studying streak liao...gonna be a little sian... maybe a bit more sian... maybe VERY SIAN... See how lor... I'm also starting to take my dog out in the garden... after it kena bitten twice?(not under my care that it got bitten) Its so afraid of dogs... even small ones as long as they "Owhhhhhhhhhhhh!"If you still don't get what it means... its bark XD. Gonna start practising on my motorbike tomorrow I think.... k i'm so dam tired..... Tomorrow bah...

Nightz nightz...

always waiting. -7:03 PM

Saturday, June 7, 2008

This time... Its personal

Yo! This is my personal blog... Please remember to tag and vist my other blog http://www.dark-unexistence.blogspot.com/ , there's also a link to it..... Nothing much to start out.... See how it goes ^^

always waiting. -2:03 PM

the one who waits.


and they say

the forgotten memories.

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
March 2012
May 2014
June 2015

the music in my veins.

the roads that lead away.


Anthony Old Friend GWPS

Atiqah ADSS

BeiLin GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Claudia GWPS

Constance GWPS

Constance(Private) GWPS



Felicia Mei SCSS


Germaine ????

Gillian GWPS

Haris GWPS

Heng Yee GWPS/Cedar Girls

HongWei Di GWPS/Catholic High

Hong Wei's Bro GWPS



Jasreen GWPS

Javis ADSS

Li Ling Mei GWPS/River Valley


Marcus ADSS

Marcus - RageFire GWPS/Zhonghua

Melissa Mei Evergreen?/ADSS

My class' blog GWPS

My class' Blog(old) ADSS

My class' Blog/Forum(new) ADSS

My other blog

My server's forum

Nanzhen Kor Cousin

Nicole Zi nu(lol) ADSS


Putra Syafiq GWPS/BPGHS

Rachel GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Rachel ADSS


Sabrina GWPS

Selene ADSS


Steffi GWPS/?

Story Blog Kaltra - The Lone Walker

Tabby GWPS

This blog GWPS/ADSS

TingTing ADSS


Wei Han ADSS

Wei Qian GWPS

Willy ADSS

Xiao Ping GWPS

XinGe GWPS/Nanyang Girls

XinTong GWPS


Yongjie GWPS

Yu Kiat GWPS

Yu Ting Mei GWPS/CHIJ St. Nicholas

Zi Cheng Mei GWPS/ADSS


1E2'09 ADSS

1E3'09 ADSS

1E3'09's Forum ADSS

1E4'09 ADSS

1N1'09 ADSS

1N2'09 ADSS

6A'06&7 GWPS

6A'09 GWPS

6B'08 GWPS

6D'08 GWPS

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,class blogs

