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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I think today quite interesting also.. but no mood.. and damn tired.. just woke up.. Today... Like alot of things change, got 2 tests today, HE and Lit. Then, still got slacky science, then today no homework...except the stupid chinese crap luh...Okay so... Nearing the end of class, I took this mini explosive unidentified item, its super small, for short, its an MEUI. LOL. for short its just a mini bomb. Thn, I took it in my hands, I played my chair and almost fell, I threw it onto the ground, and it exploded with a loud sound. Everybody make commotion, then teacher come. I got no choice but to say my friend, like he trying to kill me, so the teacher wll think its normal.. or else the bomb thing, I sure kena. Thn, I take from ZJ another 1, because I want throw at Lissa. But then, she gone le, so I hold in my hands the bomb lah. Then terrence walk over and knock it onto the ground and BOOM. Lucky no teacher. Then ZJ kena scold agn, by frenz lah. then he was like NOT MEE!!! Ok anyway, went to macs witgh klins and terrence, dar in supp... so yeah, finish thn chiong back for SC invertiture, so boring, from 3 wait for 45minutes sitting on a chair, then whole thing took 20 minutes, released at 4.15. So boring loh... I dont wan to be SC oso... anyway...tht was about my day... thn klins go drama, so i go home alone.. thn on comp, go facebook. check out the new game. thn yeah... play play play, thn bored, so go take nappie~~ Now still dam tired.. But still on facebook. Todayh not doing exercises again. becoz wtf, i rlly can see the muscle bigger sia. so, i tink today i oso skip, do with zj tmr. he today not doin.. Oso veri sian and lazy... Den, thts about it.. oso dam lazy...
WAD?!? Someone just told me on msn, he say tomorrow got wad virus conflicking, files will be lost. So don on computer tomorrow? He said its on the papers. I think betta not on... wait... TOMORROW IS APRIL FOOLS. LOL. Okok... tht was.. weird.. i feel dam weird these days.. i miss dariiiee~~~ Oh wellz...

always waiting. -7:31 PM

Monday, March 30, 2009


Lol, just now, I attitude f-ed up. Then I see 2 people talk to me, I scold them. Then I see one guy's pm, then I go quarrel with him. LOL.
1E2 damn CS-er sia.Total bastards. They think they have some special rights , or boss of people like that. They say I spam sia, when I give them advice. Then I quarrel away, at the end, I dun wan war, so i say sorry. i tink they still buey song. nvm. then i see them, ask them relink to our forum. quarrel quarrel, then say i call them my dog. Sua. Then nvm, I say sorry, my fault again. Then now, I go 1n2 blog, wtf, they reply someone, ask who skyblader. say wad, skyblader= owe beating daryl/lim yong sheng. wtf man. Go CS lah. To tally bastards sia. die die must have war, thn, nt happy, say i nid beating. ownself at fault, dunno wads spam, come say me. go whr oso describe me as some lowly wad. Think I their toy right? Think they bully damn pro right? Show them theyre wrong ah. i wan stop this le. I so gd hearted, still wan bring up the matter, ownself qian da say i qian da. Wtf man. Dam hot liao... Miss dar.. sianz...

always waiting. -7:51 PM


Yesterday, do training, then went research, eh yea, i say le right? anyway, i didnt go out... sian.. thn today hav to come home so late, 6? Cuz i hols skipped it. thn tmr still nid go investiture.. sian.. today still gt lots homework.. wah... jiu ming ah.... I miss my dariiiee.... T-T Feel like seeing her... Always gt extra ppl. sua. Actually, oso gt nt much to post le... So, yeah, but today... sch... actually, oso forget wad le.. just, mr soh back from re-service, thn miss aini gone, science teacher take over, v. slack. Thn... timetable changed, today like dam slack... Eat fox's sweet shiookz. skip training today shioookz. alot hw. nt shioookz. Tired le. see how, see when i post agn. buaiz.

always waiting. -6:14 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Am I doing my exercises right?

These few days, I've also been to websites uh, to find out how to train the different muscles.. And I realised, I'm not doing my exercises right... I'm supposed to let my muscles rest.. and continue maybe about... 3 days ltr? So tmr will be experimental, Im gonna stop my training. Wah sian.. exercise so hard for 3 days then realise I have to rest... wtf, its nt like 1 year to napfa and sports carnival sia.... Anyway...

Report(For myself luh...):

Push up: 50
45degree push up: 100
Frog Jump: None
Stretching: Almost near the feet 2.5 minute, 10 seconds pass the feet
Chin-up: 3
High Inclined pull-up: 0

Push up: 50
45degree push up: 100
High Frog Jump: 5 times up the stairs
Stretching: Almost near the feet 2.5 minute, 10 seconds pass the feet
Chin-up: 3
High Inclined pull-up: 0

Push up: 50
45degree push up: 100
Frog Jump: Twice up the stairs
Stretching: Almost near the feet 2.5 minute, 10 seconds pass the feet
Chin-up: 0
High Inclined pull-up: 10

Push up: 3 sets of 30,20,20
45degree push up: 50
Frog Jump: Twice up the stairs
Stretching: Almost near the feet 1 minute, 3 sets of 10 seconds pass the feet
Chin-up: 3
High Inclined pull-up: 0

Push up: 0
45degree push up: 0
Frog Jump: 0
Stretching: Almost near the feet 1 minute, 3 sets of 10 seconds pass the feet
Chin-up: 0
High Inclined pull-up: 0

So tough man.. But realised no use. Great... lolz. I think I'm gonna add in bicep training. Well well. Time to sleep for now... Time to let the muscles grow. :D

always waiting. -10:13 PM


Wah, today shiok.. weather damn cool... thn no weekend hw.. ltr must go out, dunno do wad, but must, must late late come back.. wah the ... thn will be god like shiok. lolz. but a bit sian now.. just nw blog /forum hop, settle alot of administrative stuff. i made alliance with 1e3, but i made enmity with 1e2. Sua, heck care. Guailan ppl, ihav to make enmity, or else, GGfied. ok anyway, ending here, time to train i tink..

always waiting. -5:10 PM


Name 20 people, at the end of the survey choose 5 people to do this survey.
seriously, i jumbled them up.
2.Putra Syafiq
3.Raymond Scott
4.Zheng Jie
15.Zi Cheng
18.Yu Kiat

The questions :

1. How did you meet 14 ? [Nicole]

2. What will you do if you have not met number 1 ? [Constance]
I think, I think... I dunno leh. Real bad?

3. What if number 9 & 20 dated each other ? [Gladys & Anoop]
Gone Case. Taller and chinese girl date shorter and indian guy???

4. Will number 6 & 17 date each other ? [Ancel % Klinsmann]
There's a high chance, cuz Klinsmann is GAY. LOL.

5. Describe number 3 . [Raymond]
Totally perverted.

6. Do you think number 8 is attractive [Weiqian]
Okay lah.

7. Describe number 7 . [Melissa]
Vengence. Die die must kill me. XD

8. Do you know any family members of number 12 ? [Dane]
His mum.

9. What language does number 15 speaks ? [Zi Cheng]
Chinese and english bah..

10.Who is number 9 hanging out with all the time ? [Gladys]
WeiQian and Con... Jolyn?

11.How old is number 16 this year ? [Marcus]

12.How is number 2 favourite singer, actor , actress or band ? [Putra Syafiq]

13. Have you dated number 4 ? [Zheng Jie]
He tried to date me. LOL.

14. Had you ever date number 1 ? [Constance]
I kinda think so. Is it considered?

15. Is number 19 single now ? [Anirudh]
I think so, even if he's not. he won't say it. diaoz.

16. What is number 10 last name ? [Anthony]

17. Would you ever be in relationship with 11 ? [Haris]
Maybe, because Haris is HOMO. LOL.

18. What's the school of number 3 ? [Raymond]
SJI. Forgot what it stands for.. I think St. Joseph's Institute.

19. Where does number 6 stay ?[Ancel]

20. What is your favourite thing about number 5 ? [Terrence]
The one that comes to school everyday, sharing whatever funny stuff he found on youtube yesterday. LOL

Now choose 5 people to do this survey ;

always waiting. -2:33 PM

Late Saturday night...

One of the latest saturday nights I've spent when the next day I had church... Lucky got excuse, I train, for exercise day 3. Also damn tired as usual, but, gt muscles le. XDXD. lolz. Anyway.. ytd.. talk to con... She prefer ghost than me ... T-T So sua loh. Diaoz... Keep tell me she scared, thn I say i go pei her, she die die dun wan.. diaoz... Thn... actually, liddat loh, got nuthin else le luh.. its just, average dayy~~, but ytd gt play bball a little, no match, dam slack. Met tristen's bro, the boomoomoo. Lolz. So, yea, buaiz.

always waiting. -2:21 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scary vids.

Dunno why, suddenly found myself on youtube, viewing scary vids. Got freaked out by some, but im gonna post some dam funny ones. :D
Ghost Decapitate herself
Scary Faces
I think you'll jump
Nothing scary bout this 1

Enjoy! :D

always waiting. -8:45 PM

1E2 SUX.

Look, Im a single 1e1-ian fighting for human rights. First, it came me, with bad comments on their blog. Since they consider it spam or insult, and say I throw 1e1 face, I apologist loh. Then I ask them relink, they say we don't link forums. So must as well dont link our dead blog, so I ask them dun link us. Then they say, u tink we ur dog ah? u ask us don link, then we don link. So I say, if i ask u do sumthin so small u my dog, tht means u do teacher ask u do hw, thn u teacher's dog lah? Then my fellow 1e1 ask me stop flaming/fighting with 1e2. wtf? thn 1n2 or 1n1 at least come say stop fighting. It obviously shows Arby does nt hav unity at all, he wans so bad to kill 1e1. We'll make Anti-arby club. arby is not a part of us, hed rather support someone tht is in the wrong, thn to support hes fellow classmate tht is, u knw, right? Then 1e2 come and say, u dun wan trouble betta shut up. is they wan trouble or i wan trouble? ask them dun link nia they get so fcked up. So, sorry loh, my fault ah? apologise loh. tis is what the world is becoming of. yep. tis is wad the world is becoming of, more unfair and more buyous as the time goes. I guess buyous is spelled like tht..

always waiting. -6:53 PM

Exercise Day 2

Felt my height jump growth the next day, probably about 1-2cm. Lol. Maybe more than tht. But anyway, exercise day 2 today, did 2k skips, this time in only 2 sets, 1.2k and 800. Then Anthony tell me also must do frog jump. So, I jump up my house 5 times. Lower and lower each time, jump until like my vain explode that kind of pain, literally no strength and damn pain, but that was the last step, phew... Then also did 200 situps, can't improve lah, damn lazy to do alone, but increased speed. Then, stretched legs like yesterday, like no improvements, but idk. Hopefully sit and reach can get A. Then chin up today cannot do, cuz I can't jump high enuff to hang on. So did 0... then er, yeah, did 50 pushups, a little higher today, but the butt oso focus put lower, and increased speed, also did 100 diagonal pushups. That's about all for today's training. I just did these workouts, but I sweat more than any fat person can sweat sia. I whole body wet, face filled with sweat, together with droplets of sweat rolling down, then I go bathe and continue, wahlao, sweat until the same. Damn damn tiring... Anthony also skip 1k times nia. I think I'm gonna sleep soon, damn tired liaoz. Anyway, I forgot to mention what happened during recess today. Ikmal, kena big injury. This was what exactly happened.... It was after PE, I walked up to class, very very tiredly, then started to change, then change pants le, and then shirt going button finish le,(I in class change leh.) then willy suddenly bang open the door and talk so fast with no pause like keep spam, FASTER GO DOWN TO GENERAL OFFICE NOW IKMAL IS INJURED FASTER NOW HE EYES BLEEDING FASTER GO DOWN GENERAL OFFICE AND BLAH BLAH BLAH, super fast, then we keep ask what happen he say JUST GO NOW IKMAL INJURED EYE BLEED FASTER GO NOW DOWN GENERAL OFFICE. Then he ran back to toilet, then all the boys oso run back to the toilet. But I just take all my wallet and phone, thn i chiong down le. First 1 to reach downstairs, then we ask the auntie go up. Then she so slow, of course i chiong up go c ikmal. Then ikmal bleeding everywhere, wah, blood here blood there, thn i see his eye, no eye injury, only a deep cut on his eyebrow. WTF WILLY, U TOLD ME HIS EYES WERE BLEEDING?!?!?!?!?! ZZZZz.... Diao, thn klinsmann was like run up and down with his school uniform and pe pants. so funny. Then he was like, whenever we laugh, something so serious you all still can joke? thne he go whr oso like his parents kena heart attack liddat. Diao. It shld be ok, i gt see ppl kena liddat be4. still ok bah. Then i ask what happened, then willy told me... That first, i tink so lah, first wei han changing, then second, bryan go push open the door. then weihan angry, then he kick the door and it swing out i tink, then bryan dodge, then hit Ikmal. I tink this is what happened. Willy, can nver talk clearly, even his blog oso say, until so confusing. diao. Ok, end of story.. tired now... byez...

always waiting. -12:07 AM

Friday, March 27, 2009

Poor Irwandy...

look at Arby, can he get more stupid?? I'm Skyblader, but he just DOESN'T BELIEVE IT.

Arbystrider says:
*Skylbader does not spam
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*why nt?
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*everybody spams
*when theyre in a great hurry
*test me something
*only skyblader knws
Arbystrider says:
*What is a point?
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*its a
*o u mean
*my answer
*or ur defination
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
Arbystrider says:
*Access denied
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*a point is a point
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*its a dot at a certain area
Arbystrider says:
*Access denied
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
Arbystrider says:
*Skyblader does not type :D
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*im skyblader
*and skyblader
*skyblader does
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*he just doesnt type it to U
*u can see his tagboard
*when he says
*dar ily
*he put a :D
Arbystrider says:
*because you are ANTHONY
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*and he always does
*anthony types like this
*iie, uue
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*u sucka
Arbystrider says:
*Because Anthony is trying to as Skylbader
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*gimme another thing only skyblader knws
*nt wad
*skyblader doesnt
Arbystrider says:
*damnit... Need to think
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*wads the password to his admin account?
Arbystrider says:
*Whta is it?
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*u can wait
Arbystrider says:
*go to waitlonglong.com
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
Arbystrider says:
*Damn you ANThony
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*i told u
*im skyblader
*why the fck
*do u nt believe
Arbystrider says:
*I do not
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*i dunno why am i nt laughing
*skyblader cant act skyblader enuff
Arbystrider says:
*Skyblader is more civilised
*Skylbader does not flame
*That is ANThony
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*is civilised
*with online users
*does not flame
*online users
*that he respect
Arbystrider says:
*but this one doesn't
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*I am nt ANThony
Arbystrider says:
*you ARE
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*im treatin u more as a fren already.
*unless u wanna me ta treat u as dirt
Arbystrider says:
*Because you are a GAY ANTHONY
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*holy crap..
*im so gonna post this conv on my blog
*to show how retard arby is.
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*im bored..
*and normally instead of sayin im bored, i say im sian
Arbystrider says:
*Skyblader never spams he's bored
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*i just said im bored ONCe
*but u dun get wads sian
Arbystrider says:
*Skyblader does not use capitalisation on MSN
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
Arbystrider says:
*My ASS has access
*Not only Skylbader has access, but Anthony does, because his password is saved on the browser, so I still do not believe and/or give a DAMN
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*how do u knw its saved on his computer?
*skyblader is extra careful
Arbystrider says:
*I have my ways
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*in not saving passwords on his computer
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*skyblader's computer
*is for public use.
Arbystrider says:
*My ASS is for public use
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*ok. if u still dun believe. monday
*bring tis topic up.
*ill tell u
Arbystrider says:
*yah, it was anthony
*And FYI, Skylbader never leaves his siggy that "SHORT"
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
Arbystrider says:
                Revolutional Skyblader       BNW PsychZ®™                 says:
*u wanna knw wads short?
Arbystrider signed out.

Looky looky. Poor arby, I think he needs a few days stay at IMH.

always waiting. -9:38 PM


Went on youtube, found this girl. She's imitating a song, thought it would be bad.. you know, the people that imitates songs.. OMG, she was pure OWNAGE. The comments were like all 10+, all had godlike comments, like, love your voice, blah blah ur pretty. And guess what, that's not the only song she imitated. Ownage man, just ownage. :D
She's pro sialzzz.
Fall for you
Love Story
This is me
Burning up
7 things
One step at a time
And many many more.
:D:D:D Lolz.

always waiting. -9:21 PM

New song~~

Art club, always play this song, I keep forget add. Love this song manzxc. lolz. :D Crazy about another song lolz.
Fall for you
Going bball soon lez. buai. Update class blog first. too dead.

Edit: oooh 1 more. :D change class blog song lez.
Graduation Song ~ Friends Forever

always waiting. -5:36 PM


Started off the day, woke up at 6.00. As usual, prepared, until 6.20. Haven't done History homework, wanna copy, but I bet when I get to school at 6.30, no one will be there, so I took a short nap till 6.45. Then wore my shoes and made the last preparations, it was 6.50. Realised, WHERE'S MY WALLET?? Took 10 minutes to find it, then chiopng to school, left 10+ minutes to chiong, managed to complete it, then bell ring le. So went down... I can't really remember what they talk about, but I almost slept. So went back to class for history, talked about the red house thingy... Then we went on the chapter and blah blah blah. then it was PE. Quite interesting, got rugby, Figgy(I think) owned England 12-1. I'm a proud member of figgy! :D But the real game, it was 7 VS 5... So, We kinda got 0-0 match. Then, after that, recess, then after that... it was english? then about the summary on eating disorder, then after that science in class, then school over. Went down slacked and ate until 1.30, go up. Then we wait for 20 mins? then we go down first floor. Play play , virus and CT VS Terror. Terror won no doubt, but I got hunted by CT and some... gals. Dunno why they wan to get me so bad. They just, chase like die die must get me. But, all i did was ask someone kick her leg, she kick back, then i ask fren kick agan\in.. thn she so FEDUP. diaoz... thn i run until cant stop... once stop, whole body like burning in hell, wah bloody shiok. Then, after that, no more running, all the people fall in for their **CCs, so left gals, but gals lazy, so bought a drink, and went to cooldown. Constantly looking up see whether art members still hanging around. Then drink our drinks, look at drills until realise, where all the art members go? So we go up assemble. So, art club start le, omg. So, went in. The teacher still dare say we late. They are like, much more later? anyway, some people paint frame, some ppl just splash paint on a paper, and some ppl design the clay flowers. Me and willys' job was to spray paint, colourless paint that makes thing shiny ~~~ OOOH SHINY~~~~ then super slack, damn fun. Lolz, made a mess :D. Duh duh, then art over le chiong home. stomachache :(. Then, liddat loh... now goin to bball with Ant they all liaozz.. buai.

always waiting. -5:03 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What can I do

I'm crazy :D. I'm suddenly interested in this song. :D
What can I do

. Added onto imeem. :P

always waiting. -11:59 PM

Exercise Day

Sports Carnival and Napha is coming soon... And yea, in the remaining 2-4weeks, I'm gonna train everyday. 2k skips per day, 200+ situps, chin up 5, 50 pushup, 100 45degrees pushup, stretching until hands almost touch feet for 2.5minutes, touch feets for 10 seconds, and probably more. Aiming for gold award, and championship for red house, aiming for first in bballboys. So bloody tired now... Slack and eat until 8.30, homework 2hrs, and started training... later have to continue hw... I forgot what I wanted to share... but today art, was interesting. :D Now con dunno go whr.. no one pei me liao.. sianz... Just nw went for bball trial, wait until 4.30. then rain.. then cancelled.wth... so... went home... no games today agn... End of here. bubye.

always waiting. -11:22 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm SICK~~

I feel sick sia... and guess what, I talked to someone so innocent, so stupid, and so f-ing unreasonable. :D I tink im crazy. :D
Anyway, this guy... this guy.. he's my junior. Aha. He sent me a link, obviously is a virus. I told him, you send me wad link? to confirm is who send 1. Thn he tell me, is auto 1, not virus. Then I say, auto one, means virus lah! Then he say, no no. my friend oso send me. its advertising, not virus. Wth? Point 1: hes retarded. Next, I tell him, advertising are made on chats at the bottom, or on ur msn window itself, they dun send links. Then he say okok, stop pls. Then I tell him, stop wad, ur senior teaching u tht u gt virus, then he say irritating. Wtf? Ppl tell him he say irritating? Then I say somemore, dunno wad i say. Then he say i goin block u. then i almost type out block loh. then he block liao. Point 2: No respect sia, ppl trying to help him Pont 3: Not worth helping. AT ALL.
Sian.. Im feeling sick.. i tink 2 days liao.. caught a cold or flu.
Oh, and tht junior is YW. For those tht dunno him, u shldnt care.

always waiting. -10:36 PM

blog blog.

From tomorrow onwards, I'll only reply proper messages, and I'll keep track of my messages. Got 1.79k messages liao.1 time like 700+ now become 1.7K, diao. Yesterday watched I am legend again. Damn touched this time.. Wahlao... just now in the afternoon, ancel, ZJ, and terrence come to my house, we sit down talk talk talk. Until Anthony he came. Now I realised one more thing. Anthony = BAS***D He came, made things like what. People sit down talk talk talk joke joke joke. He come take soft toys throw throw throw. Whack whack whack. Then wtf, he and all 3 of them come plan to open my legs and dunno do what sia. Den, wtf, they like, pure Bas***ds sia. I damn f-ing angry, then I want to sleep, they say i emo. Diao. SUA. Then actually yesterday want to post bout the english nuclear thingy, but forgot. The teacher talk about the dunno wad cherobyl town, about the nuclear power plant exploding or wad. Then he say until today, still got radiation activities in the environment. He said, radiation can mutate our cells and cause blah blah blah. Then when the power plant explode, I think it released like 1k times the radiation than the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Then dunno how many of 600 cleaners died shortly after entering. DAR~~~ U dun talk on the phone too much. Lolz, ltr u gt brain cancer. LOL. Jk. You. study hard horh. (Omg look whos talking. LOLZ) Then... tomorrow got a debate, I slept 4 hours just now, completely no games, now its so late.. I have to get alot of stuff... And still do chinese.. sianz.... wtf man.. then tomorrow still got ting xie... zzz... But thankfully its thursday.. holidays soon. Sian now.. Lazyy~~ I tink i go hw liaoz.

always waiting. -8:11 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

English... is interesting?

English used to be fun.. and interesting.. until Mr Lim took over... But then, it became interesting agn? Ok anyway.. today just chionged games until I made it to level 16 on Garena. Then after that, I literally just slacked at home. Just slacked, do nothing, laze around.. and it was boring can... And I'm feeling so freaking weird these few days. I today actually keep want to post, but now no mood liao. Anyway, today also got nothing to post. Nothing much happened, only got lots of homework to do. Suddenly, all my past pictures kena revealed sia, I looked so retarded. What can I say? I was only primary 4... 5? Anyway... Whatever.... So....z.... I... think I'll just do something here...


1. [ ] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out.
2. [X] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails.
3. [ X] Broken a chair by leaning back in it.
4. [X] Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking.
5. [ ] Choked on your own spit while you were talking.
6. [ ] Had people tell you that you are blonde when you're not, or had people tell you that your blonde highlights are going to your head.
7. [ ] Been caught staring at your crush by your crush.
8. [X] Have looked for something for at least 5 min then realized it was in your hand.
9. [X] Tried to push open a door that said pull.
10. [X] Tried to pull open a door that said push.

Running total: 6

11. [ ] Have actually believed someone when they said that they knew how to make a love-potion.
12. [X] Have hit yourself in the process of trying to hit something else.
13. [X] Have tripped and fallen UP the stairs.
14. [ ] Have actually exploded marshmallows in the microwave.
15. [X] Have gotten gum stuck in your hair
16. [ ] Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble
17. [ ] Have had the juice from a mini tomato squirt out and hit somebody else when you bit into it.
18. [ ] Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard
19. [X] Have called one of your good friends by the wrong name
20. [ ] Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot.

Running total: 10

21. [X] Have put a sticker on your forehead, forgot it was there, and went out in public with it on.
22. [X] Have fallen out of a moving vehicle.
23. [X] Have run into a closed door.
24. [ ] Died from stupidity overload.
25. [X] Searched for your cell phone while you were talking on it
26. [X] It has taken you longer than 5 min to get a joke.
27. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a blow dryer
28. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a fan
29. [X] Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk
30. [ ] Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock

Running total: 16

31. [X] After someone told you that there was gum on the ground, you stepped in it
32. [ ] Put on a white shirt even though you already knew it was raining outside.
33. [X] Have ever walked up to a stranger because you thought they were someone else.
34. [ ] Ever been kicked out of a grocery store/off their property.
35. [X] Touched the stove, the curling iron, a hot pan, etc when its on, even though you knew it was hot.
36. [X] Taken off your clothes to change into something else then accidentally put the old clothes back on.
37. [X] Wondered why something wasn't working then realized it wasn't plugged in.
38. [ ] Put the cereal in the fridge, and put the milk in the cupboard
39. [X] Walked into a pole.
40. [ ] Wore two different earrings or shoes by accident/someone's shoes by accident.

Running total: 22

41. [X ] Put your shirt on backwards/inside-out without realizing it then left your house
42. [ ] Tried to take a picture of someone's eye with the flash on.
43. [X] Gotten a ring stuck on your finger because you put it on even though you knew it was too small.
44. [ ] Walked out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe without realizing it.
45. [X] Went to go do something/go get something, then when you got there, you forgot what it was that you were going to do.
46. [X] Picked up someone else's drink and drank out of it by accident when your drink was right next to it!
47. [X] Fallen out of your chair while trying to pick something up
48. [X] Have poked yourself in the eye.
49. [X] Have gotten in the shower with your socks still on
50. [ ] Melted your hairbrush while blow drying your hair

Running total: 29

51. [X] Have done enough stupid things to make a test.
52. [ ] Have accidentally stabbed yourself with a pencil.
53. [X] Have sung the wrong verse to a song without realizing it.
54. [X] Have given an odd answer to a question because you didn't hear the question in the first place and didn't feel like asking what it was.
55. [ ] Told someone you were the wrong age because you seriously forgot how old you were
56. [ ] Looked into an overhead purposefully while it was on
57. [X] Got up early and got ready for school/work, then realized that you didn't have school/work that day.
58. [ ] Forgot your own phone number.
59. [ ] Have tripped on a cord after someone told you to watch out for it.
60. [X] Have ever laughed at a joke that no one else thought was funny.

Running total: 34

61. [ ] Done the Macarena to the electric slide or vice versa
62. [ ] Said funner then had someone make fun of you for it
63. [X] Have repeated yourself at least twice in the same sentence
64. [ ] Brought up an inside joke with the wrong person.
65. [X] Didn't do the backside of an assignment because you thought that there wasn't one because you had already looked and forgot that there was another side.
66. [X] Did more work than you had to on an assignment because you didn't read the directions
67. [X] Corrected someone's grammar/pronunciation then figured out that you were the one that was wrong
68. [X] Put something in a special place so that you would remember where it was, then forgot where you put it
69. [ ] Put ice in your drink after the glass was full of liquid and had it splash out
70. [ ] Told a lie then forgot what it was that you had said and got caught

Running total: 39

71. [ ] When wearing goggles, you pulled them away from your face and let go so that they would come back and snap you in the face.
72. [ ] Forgot to make sure that the lamp was off before you replaced the light bulb.
73. [X] Ran into a door.
74. [X] Told someone that you hardly ever do stupid things, then immediately did/said something stupid.
75. [X] Told someone to watch out for something, then you were the one that ran into it
76. [ ] Have purposely licked playground sand.
77. [ ] Have purposely and repeatedly flicked yourself with a rubber band
78. [X] Gotten so hyper that someone actually thought you were drunk when you weren't
79. [X] Have been so hyper you actually scared people
80. [ ] Put duct tape on your body then pulled it off to see if it would hurt.

Running total: 44

81. [ ] Put duct tape on your hair/someone else's hair then pulled it off
82. [X] Put a clothes pin/hair clip on your nose, figured out that it hurt, then did it again.
83. [ ] Sat and wondered why men's dress shirts have a loop on the back.
84. [X] Made up a code name for someone so that you could talk about them to someone else and no one else would know who you were talking about.
85. [ ] Have gotten a hairbrush stuck in your hair
86. [ ] Used the straw to blow the straw wrapper at someone
87. [ ] Shaved your tongue because you thought your taste buds looked funny.
88. [ ] When at a restaurant, you used your spoon to fling stuff at people.
89. [ ] Have flung forks at people in a restaurant
90. [ ] Tripped and made the waiter drop the food.

Running total: 46

91. [ ] As you are writing, you move your head back and forth with your pen/pencil
92. [ ] Have drawn finger puppets on your fingers then named them.
93. [ ] Have wrapped someone in a roll of toilet paper
94. [ ] Have used somebody else's toothbrush without even realizing it wasn't yours.
95. [X] Have started telling a story and forget what you were talking about or what happened in the story
96. [ ] Read a whole book but during the whole book you weren’t even paying attention
97. [ ] You have spelled your own name wrong before.
98. [X] When lying in bed you look for pictures in the texture of the ceiling.
99. [X] Have used your calculator as a form of communication in a class.
100.[X] Have popped a balloon in your mouth


How to obtain your idiocy GPA:

80-100 =4.0
70-79 =3.6
65-69 =3.2
60-64 =2.8
55-59 =2.4
50-54 =2.0
45-49 =1.6
40-44 =1.2
<40 =0.8

always waiting. -8:25 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009


200th post btw..

today, WAS BORING. and Im loaded with homework. Im lazy to blog also... Then... As in now Im lazy to blog... Sian.. today... sian... sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian.


It was like... school.. school.... home... homework.... play games... I feel no life today, probably cuz of my mood today. I guess something changed today. Alot happened. Pretty negative.

Con, dun keep me confused. one moment, you get into my heart, the next moment, you shot it. And at another time, you just say hi, and treat me like a friend. Shoot me, then said sweet stuff to me, and say the everyday's hi. wtf man. Its hard to find out. WTF you want. I'm not complaining you're fussy or what, nor is it hard to do. Just, I don't know what the hell I'm doin is right.
Im sorry.

always waiting. -6:23 PM


I believe, you thought I hated you.
I just wanna let you know, I never did.
If you want me to give you up, just say it.
You know, if you hated me, I wouldn't taken it.
Just don't kill me with those words,
when you made me believe what you said,
with a hidden intention behind everyone of em.
You caught me, and if you want me to leave,
just say it. Cause, I don't think there's any point to it,
if you gonna just throw me away some day.
Some day... I think I know what's gonna happen.
Maybe, I'm still wishing... But, I never know.
I'll never know...

always waiting. -4:51 PM

Quizzy... 100 questions marathon...

1) What is the subject u hate the most?- Chinese
2) What happened at 10a.m today?- History lesson...
3) When did u last cry?- I dunno...
4) What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?- Bread
5) What do you want in your life now?- Can I keep this secret? ( Her to say yes?)
6) Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up with a hood?-Hoody :D
7) Who do you hate?- I guess no one...
8) What is your favourite thing to put on your bed?- a bedsheet... duh.
9) What bottom are you wearing now?- Boxers
10) What is the nicest ting in your inbox and by who?- I just cleared my inbox..
11) Do you wish to make your relationship complicated?- Nope.
12) Are you wearing anything that you borrowed from someone?- No...
13) What is the last movie you caught?- Race to witch mountain
14) Wat is the oldest message in your inbox n by who?- Some reminders I sent to myself? Lol.
15) What are you proud of?- Idk. Alotlotlot.
16) What was the last song you sang out loud?- Tong Hua
17) Do you have a nickname?- Skyblader
18) What does your last received message say?- I said I cleared my inbox...
19) What time did you go to school yesterday?- There was school yesterday???
20) Are you currently happy?- IDK.
21) Who gives you best advice?- Alotlotlotlot people.
22) Do u eat whipped cream right out of a can?- Whipped cream? Wth?
23) Who did you last talk on the phone with?- Phone... Dane.
24) Is anything bugging you now?-Nope.
25) Who/What was the last person who made you laugh?- I laugh so easily, I can't remember I laughed. diaoz.
26) Do u wear Toe Shoes?- ????
27) Who was the last person you miss called from?- Home phone.. To find my phone. LOL.
28) Have you ever had your heartbroken?- I dont tink so...
29) Who annoys you the most?- YOU. FOR GIVING ME 100 QUESTIONS.
30) Do you have a crush on anyone now?- Obvious?
31) Have you ever done cocaine?- Nup.
32) What's the colour of your room?- I have a room?!? LOLZ. Green or blue....(I can't remember XD)
33) Would you kill someone for a billion dollars?- Depends whether a billion dollars is enough to bribe people not to catch me.
34) Do u believe in saying talk is cheap- Yep.
35) Who was the last person to lie on your bed?- Me?
36) Who was the last person who hugged you?- IDK.
37) What do you wan to say to the person you have a crush on?- I love you, but kinda, already done it.
38) Do you have a life?- wad do u tink?
39) Have you ever thought that someone had die when he didn't?- I tink so, when I was young?
40) What the reason behind your blog song?- I tink, they're either what I feel is nice, or some epic songs that have been with me for some time.
41) Who was the last person you saw in your dream?- Con <3 :D
42) When was the last time you smile?- Erm......... When I answered question 41. Diao.
43) What are you listening to now?- No song...
44) Have you changed this year?- You can't ask me?
45) Are you talking to someone else while doing this?- Nah.
46) Do you walk with your eyes open or close?- You mean you walk with your eyes closed?
47) Is there a quote by your living?- Im BOREDZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCXC.
48) Do you want someone you don't have?- Im not sure...
49) Have you ever played an instrument?- Yepzzz.
50) What was the worst idea you thought of this week?- Suicide LOL .
51) What were you doing last night at 11pm?- Trying to sleep...
52) Are you happy with your love life now?- IDK.
53) What song describes your love life?- er... idk...
54) Does that person you love know you like him/her?- yep.
55) Who always make u laugh? - About everyone. I'll laugh if you say hi. ( im just sarcastic)
56) Do you speak other languages?- Thai?
57) Are you blond?- It rocks but no.
58) What is your middle name?- Yong. Lolz.
59) What are you doing tmr?- Im gonna... im gona... im gonna do.. im gonna do wad im gonna do tmr.
60) What do you think you are ?- Someone... that I think I am.
61) Who do you choose to die with?- er. er. er. er. er. DK.
62) Where have you been today?- school...
63) What games do you play often?- Dota...
64) Who you missing now?- Con...
65) What are you doing now?- Doing this GODDAMNED bloody quiz
66) Which primary school were you from?- GWPS
67) Who will you choose, friends or love?- Can I have both? Anyway love. There's love in friends right??
68) Who are you missing now?-Con. Wth? Twice?
69) What emotion do you like to show people?- Emo. Its so cool. LOL.
70) What is your life to you?- My life. is my life. aint it?
71) If you have something troubling you now,what will you do?- It really depends...
72) Who did you last chat on MSN w today?- Today? Not a single soul online on MSN...
73) Who do you admire the most?- ehz... i dunoo
74) Which month were you born in?- January
75) How are you feeling now?- Weird...
76) What time is it now?- 3.30pm.
77) Where are you now?- My home
78) What colour would you like to dye your hair?- Any colour abnormal. LOL. maybe.. orangy... browny... IDK.
79)Why are you doing this?- Cuz... Cuz.... Cuz... cuz.... how would i knw... lolz.
80) What do you do when you feel moody?- dunno.
81) At what age do you want to get married?- its from 1-9999. Make a guess.
82) Who is more important?-Who is more important of who?
83) Do you have enough confidence?- for wad?
84) Who is the person you trust the most?- IDK.
85) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?- yep.
86) If you have a dream come true, what would it be?- For me to have many many many more wishes.
87) What are your goal for this year?- Top Admiralty sec ones.
88) Do you believe in internal life?- Yep. Not human form though.
89) What do you love?- I love... Idk.
90) Do you believe in global warming?- Its pretty obvious.
91) What feeling do you hate the most?- When I knw I can do sumthing, I walk right up to it, and SHIT I CANT DO IT.
92) Do you treasure every single friendship of your's?- I think
93) Do you give up 2nd chances easily?- Nah.
94) Who cares for you the most?- God knows.
95) What do you think is your most important thing in your life?- Many thingsss.
96) What would you bring when you fight?- The softest object on earth. They'll probably die if I hit them with cotton.
97) What is the thing you regret?- idk.
98) What will you feel when nobody cares about you?- Just.. be... the same me... I guess?
99) What if your stead two-timed u?- I dun have a stead. Hoping for 1.
100) Do you still love your ex?- I no have no ex.


always waiting. -3:14 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Slept at 3+am yesterday... Got pulled awake at 9.... It was my cousin's wedding. And he kept stressing, see lah, dun sleep early. I sleep late oso can wake up early.. But does he knw he has such a temper? Anyway... HE kept nagging at me and pulled that long face. He kept nagging at me like go and wash up. I was waiting for my pants. Then he kept saying go and wash up. He doesnt knw im waiting for my pants. Then i say le.. He keep nver hear... Like After bathe, I went out in a towel, then my dad say faster. Then I say I cold. Then he say, see lah tired right? Yesterday who ask u dun sleep... diao.. then he keep blackface... zzz.... Anyway, then I went to cous' house, play dota 1 game, while they, dunno do wad lah. he go his gf house, play play play, pics on facebook. He wore his underwear outside. lolz. Then after that,we went to sentosa, play play, attended their wedding, lunch, and alot alot. Then at night stayed there... Then we played this I WISH game. It was, you have to wish for something, then another person will come along and grant it, but say something bad about it. E.g. 1: I wish for a cookie. 2: Granted, but the cookie ate you up. Diao.. Then we kept playing.. Then I went into the water.. to PLAY... not swim.. so sian. Anyway.... I got some pics. But, i lazy upload nia. Okok, will upload soon. Anyway, this morning, woke up, breakfast, then went to church... time to chiong hw, then maybe go find con liao.... byeeebyeee.

Okai... Uploaded. :D
The funny cat. It was lying on the floor, LIKE THAT.

The souvenir from their wedding.

And them!! :D

And I think I mentioned something bout the.... east coast burying?

always waiting. -2:34 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

Movie again??!?

After that... slept at 6+, woke up at.... 2? or 3? Wow. My friend was coming at 11, but he called and called, I didn't answer, so he didn't come. So I DotA-ed until 6 with Anthony, or warcraft.. Then, realised had to go and meet up with con and "gang", so Faster ended the game. Got a movie offer at 7, so I took it. Ended the game at 6.30. Omg lol. Then prepared and chionged to mac. Reached mac, they say they going to con's playground. So went there. It was 6.45. Stayed till 6.55. Then went to MRT. Anthony suddenly rmbed tht he cant watch movie, cuz his broken spectacles broke. LOL. And then I asked him to lend me money, but he said only if I walk home with him. Hell how could i? Movie at 7.05? It was 7? So he didn't lend me the money. Then when I went in the MRT, movie postponed to 7.30. GREAT. Then I didn't know what I was thinking, I went to sembawang. Then I U-Turned back to CWP. Ok reached there, at 7.13? And I asked them what movie we were gonna watch since it changed. they said. Mountain, what mountain? Witch mountain.. I'm starting to get weird feelings.. And they said race to witch mountain. OMGGGGGG. I WATCHED THAT SHOW ALREADY. SO I RUSHED ALL THE WAY HERE TO WASTE $10 AND TIME ON A MOVIE I WATCHED. LOL. So I watched it again. Found myself acting weird in the cinema, like I was so... freaked up. Well... Anyway... That's about it... I'm sorry I couldn't make time fer ya, be sure to spend more time with you. :D. ILC. <3 lolz.Anyway, cousin's marriage tomorrow... sianz... Gonna have crazy DotA nights again, hopefully.
The true intentions are hidden behind words.

always waiting. -11:12 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Overnight Warcraft

DotA at 10, then we kena own, then we fight back, that guy died, and say very lag. He left... Sore loser? Anyway, we continued playing through the night till morning 7-8, Ant continue until 10, then we both went up to sleep... I slept till 12+ and lie on the bed, Ant slept till like 2.40. Then dane came... Watch show, then, yeah, we're off to more basketball. :D

always waiting. -4:19 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Basketball session

Today, woke up at 3.40? Realised I'm sleeping at the living room with nobody, moved into Ant's room and slept on the bed. Later woke up earlier, I forgot, then his father made me bread and milo, delicioussss. Thank you! Then went back to sleep, then keep sleep and wake sleep and wake, then finally call Ant sleep like a pig, then he sit up, and went out. I continue to lie down, then finally went out. Thought I go court and see con, but they no olympiad, so nevermind.. I think tomorrow morning dont go disturb themat mac. So anyway, half of the holidays are over liao.. Then after that went to basketball court. Play play, made lots of DotA friends. Later 10pm, DotA. Anyway, bye for nowsss.

always waiting. -8:45 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Where was I? Ahh. Anyway, today played match with older people today at bball court. We kinda got owned, in a game we could've won. Anyway, went to eat and go to ant's house later. We planned to go his house, prepare, then come my house, then 12 go see ghost. Last minute sis cancelled, so now its 11.40? still at ant's house. Slack and slack. Intended to make sushi onyl, but ant saw a baby's basketball set. He ask money from his sis, then he go buy. We installed it on the wall, and played like crazy and iit was damn fun laugh and laugh. Now no time, so I won't upload the videos. I will when I get home? Anyway, cutscene. Ant keep doing crossove in front of the wall. He almost lose the ball, so he control it, and move his head forward and hit the wall, and like nothin happen jump up and dunk. Then he ow.... I go and whack the wall try, and it HURT. Anyway, currently that's all we did. But we managed to destroy the thing. I learnt to dunk and do it that day, i lost the skill on the same day. LOL.

always waiting. -11:40 PM

What time is it...

What time is it.... 10? Oh ok... 10... What time do I have to reach school... 9? O ok.... OMG! I OVERSLEPT! Then I kept sms-ing with ZJ, finally decided not to go. So I went back to have a little sleep... Then my sis came in and keep disturb me, and ask me go other c\room cuz sha\e wans to change. I Ask her go other room change. SHE SAY SHE LAZY, THEN EXPECT ME TO BE NOT LAZY. DIAO. Then she took my phone and read out all the things and probably replied crap to them. bleh... Anyway, either meeting them , or adss-ians later.

always waiting. -10:41 AM

Dear buddy,

Dear buddy,
I'm thankful to you, for being with me for the past few years. You've always been there for me, you'll never go against me, but I took you for granted. I knew you were and still are afraid of water, but I left you out in the rain every time. Every time you were injured, you spent so much time to recover, so you could spend time with me, so I didn't give my attention to you. But today, I saw how deep the injury is, and I know, there is a low chance you'll survive. Even if you were to survive, you would have scars. I'm sorry buddy, it has always been my fault. I mistreated you, the way I shouldn't have. I should've given you my care, for all the effort and time you spent devoted to me. And now, I would like to say, rest in peace, if you were to survive, I promise I'll take care of you, and be with you, as long as possible.
Best Regards,

Eheh, my phone survived! The water marks destroyed the graphics, but at least its still usable. Haizz... Im such a bad owner... anyway... where was I?
Oh yeah.. And at ant's house, we slack some more, planned to go see ghosts, but then, Ant wanted to watch show, so we slacked, and he watched... Then after the show it was 1. So no more chance, anyway, after that, we walked back to my house, and on the way, we had mcdonald's, before reaching the house. Then, we played dota for the next 2-3 hours and it was 4-5. I slacked somemore and it was 6. Prepared, and Anthony dragged me out early with him, so he can bring his gf to school. Blah, 6.15 started walking. Reached there before 6.30. Guess what? we were half an hour earlier.. Great. Then that guy , I hate that guy. I'm so jealous of that guy, and he just keep shooting me like what... I hate that guy... Aha. But, we're still friends. LOL. We're still friends right? Anyway.... After sending them, went back to Ant's house. Reached at bout 8. Then slept, slept and sept till 10. Then dane came, and we slacked until 11 or 12. Then we went to basketball. Basketball to 12, Anthony go buy bubble tea for his gf, and then waited outside gate. And guess what? She sneaked out the other way and poor anthony didnt get to see her. Owwwww..... too bad.... looooooooolz. After that we went back to basketball to do training, while waiting for my girl. Then, I was given a genetically modified green tea, made by heaven and earth's, except it included eraser dust and milk FROM a guy?!? Anyway.... after that.... they just ran off, couldn't whack hao ming, xue ying is classmate sia, must give face right? Then... I think we just slack until like evening... slack slack, train train, talk talk, until evening. Then anthony came with me to my house after dinner at admiralty. He came to take his lappy, and slack abit. I think he left at 9, or 8. So, I slack somemore, and finally my dear phone was ok. Still had scars... Only if I treasured it earlier. It was so pro sia. Ok, anyway, school tmr... i tink, i go liao.

always waiting. -1:00 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009

I feel so wronged...

Man, you can't feel how wronged I am, you don't know man.. My mum. She asked me to print some stuffs out. Ok steay, I'll help you. Yes, what you want me to print? I want to print flight details. Ok, I print the whole thing. No, print some things. What things? I donno, please help me find. Ok wad u wan me to find? Just find for me lah. just help me. O ok, but now i need to know what you wann find? Just help lah, read read, just find, help abit only lah. YEs I know, but what you wan me to find? Just find lah , alittle bit only... Friends you know how to be so good, your mum you dont help. YES BUT WHAT YOU WAN ME TO FIND?!?!? You dont liddat, or i slap u. SUA. SUA man, I just felt SUA man at that point. I dont care i no common sense or wad. U tink im supposed to read minds? Ah blah, Im not the girl in race to witch mountains you know? So, yeap. Sory, I dont give a damn bout u, i treat u worse than my friends. I understand. Its my fault for not being born with the ability to read minds. Its my fault for being better than you, or worse than u. ITs my fault okay? i get it. Im wrong. Im wrong for not having psychic powers... Then I got invited into a chat. Guess what? they were all joking and laughing crazily. I wondered why I couldn't smile at the very least. ITs ok, I tink I know why. Anyway, when i talked to my dad bout it, i tink she sorta saw it... so she apologised. Well...

always waiting. -9:28 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Eh... Ok today... These few days keep slack around with Ant... Then, today after church, go slack until like 4, then come out. Slack slack.. Btw, ytd went to watch movie. Race to witch mountain... Anyway, today go find con, she... sian de... anyway, then go play basketball. Play with more Zhong Guo ren, f-ing funny... Super high... Then we cycle cycle... he cyle me to his house.. then he keep talking bullshit in negro's accent. I fedup, I whack him. Whack whack whack. Crap, im whacking him like a girl?!?!?!? Ok anyway, kena on the road, we cycle like drunkard... Then kena POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Then cycle cycle cycle then he said," I driving my F***ing bike, you roll down your F***ing window and you tell me not to play on the road??" Then blah blah blah. Hes Bas****. Cycle cycle.. and reached his house. Went to charge my phone and talked to dar on phone... until some buzzing noises outside the window.... Then heck care... Talk talk and suddenly, OMG, the noise is BEHIND ME, IN THE ROOM. I turned my head, a F***ing big BEE!!! Omg, I bent down, kup phone, and sneak out... Then told Ant, then his dad go 1VS1 the bee. The bee got owned. Like real battle sia. XD. Then... Blah... Yea... blah. I think we going to see ghosts later at 12.

always waiting. -8:56 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The pain...

Yeah.. I could almost cry, breezed through tnrimh.blogspot.com , I could remember the time when I went through that. It was unbelievably painful, I managed to grab on the rope. With all my might. I think I'm saved... Anyway, woke up this morning beside a fatso at 8, forgot haris' carnival thingy started at 9, so i dozed off. Then woke upat 10.. Daydreamed awhile, and realsied Haris' carnival was at 9! So woke Anthony up. He looked at the time. And we started off the day. Took turns to wash up, drink milo, and cooked an entire packet of nuggiessss~~~~ Home Economics lesson. Aha. Then went to Haris' carnival thing for awhile, then went home to bathe... before going to find Con... :D. So, went there... and er yeah.... Just hang around.... thne go WQ's house deck, then WQ zhao, glad oso... Then Con oso zhao, so i follow her... she walk until so fast... like... wtf.... then anyway... she reach home, I go dane's house with anthony, then slack slack, then laugh like ..... idk. then go bball awhile, and go eat. Eat finish, come to my house. Aunts home, so he went home. Duh... Then, I tink I must have fainted, forgot what happened next...

always waiting. -11:52 PM


Yesterday, went to play basketball, play whole day again, until 9? Bladder was really full, so went home... A lot of stuff happened, blah, but cant remember... Today went to find Con after school, then found Anthony not there... Then awhile later called con, wtf, she home liao. zzz. Then, slack abit, Ant reached, went home charge phone, chiong to mac, went to CWP, to watch movie and slack.. Then went to con's house's playground slack... Then she finally alone, but her house so near, I caught up, she in lift liao... So nvm... Then, slack... Ant sent Jo home... Then we went to my house, then play DotA, then go take bike.. Went to see ghosts at court at 12. Then 11.45? Freak out, cuz Ant say disgusting, plus, he say until like what, so we siam. Then, came to Ant's house. Blah.

always waiting. -12:11 AM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just another day...

Its just another day that included art, but just.... asked my art teacher. Tomorrow no CCA. Con is DEAD. XDXDXD. ok anyway... just another day for me, the end of CA for primary pupils.... Going out to basketball later, and get back my phone... Probably slacking long today.

always waiting. -2:35 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yeah, I know I suck...

Happy right.. Today, everybody, scold me for no freaking reason, say what what, Yeah, I know I suck cause I did nothing wrong. I understand, I did nothing, I fought my way, people think I playing sia, YOu think this type of serious stuff I play until what. Yeah, I suck, suck to the core, I don't deserve to be what high rank? I don't deserve anything, I sucked to the core, I'm just, someone, in the world, just another person, a being, Nobody know me whatsoever, I don't deserve anything? Right? Omg, So correct.. Fine..

always waiting. -9:43 PM

Crazy Basketball-ing...

Today, met up with Anthony, then Dane(dunno lah) then Guang Jie. We play play, until slight drizzle, then we play match with 2 more other guys. Guang jie talk most, do nothing. We keep switching teams and play, play until laugh and laugh, sibei shiok. But, at the end of the day, kena whack at below, a cut at the shoulder, big one, then fell cause of slippery floor.. Got baluku, then... My hands and feet wrinkle until got cut.. Lol, shiok sia... Then, whole body drenched, wet, ball going to spoil liao... Then wtf, I left my phone with Anthony.. ZZZ... Ok, so... Enjoyed today, then... Homework not done.. Sian... Can I skip school till next year? Ah... Slack slack... siao... Ok anyway, tired, going to bathe, eat, and so on..

always waiting. -8:43 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home Economics...

Nothing big happened today.. just some home economics, made muffins... They rocked. Aha, then after school Mr Soh wanted to see me.. Gave me a shock, anyway, he wished me happy birthday and er, talked, you know talked, to me... And then, probably more will happen later... But, nothing for now....

always waiting. -2:51 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

Whole day yesterday... Ok, maybe not whole day... But after church, at 4, went to the court... all the way till 9? Wanted to play DotA with Ex-coach and team members, but, they played diff versions, so couldn't play with them.. But anyway, play with Anthony, today was another basketball day... Then, talked and talked uh... Then, kena dare by Anthony... Won't release it till its done, anyway.. Today... Teach teach teach in school halfway, suddenly heavy rain... Then 12.40, going hall for assembly, the school 2nd floor flooded!! Shiok, the aunties all come up to sweep the water down... Then go home... DotA with Zheng Jie, 5v1. Lose to him sia... Next time Jiayou loh... Ok, anyway, dunno wad to post le. byee.

always waiting. -4:35 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Valentine's? Again?

Okay.. So, friday night, whent out at night to see her... Then, slacked abit. Met anthony again. Then, he came to my house to stay again. DotA!!! Yeah, then, I think I slept 1-2+, then woke up at 6+, then he go sleep, my turn use computer. But then anyway... Woke up, slacked around, play abit dota, make maps, then we go out find girls liao. Then, play bball, slack around, then chase them... until like 1pm. Anthony go home, change dunno wad. Then, everybody gone lah, for tuition or sumthing. So, left me alone at the court. I so sian, the whether so shiok, I fell asleep on the court, for about 30mins? Yeah, then the sun come out, so freaking hot. Then girls came find me. Then... after that.. waited for Anthony and Haris.. Haris came first, play abit then I go buy drinks. Then anthony reach. Then still raining, so continue play.. Then rain heavier, Haris go liao, so Anthony and I slack in the rain.. Slack until 3.30 ah, want go find them, but they come find us.. So.. yeah, then.. I think after that they not happy or what, so we follow them. Then they go eat, then we chiong back to court take our stuff, then they play hide and seek with us luh. Finally find them, at the playground, then just, slack loh. Never do anything. Until they go home uh, then we wait, slack around, then left Jolyn. So I ka jiao them, extra abit. Then I dared Anthony to hug her, then he attempted to lah, but only touch her shoulders... So anyway... Like that loh... Then.. Aiyah, today so much things happen, can't remember.. And I'm so tired.. Another day.. :D

always waiting. -12:05 AM

Thursday, March 5, 2009

For the first time in my life... the pull... the pain.. the shiokness....

Wah, just before going to bathe, i did 50pushups, parallel to the ground, as usual, mid-way, and as usual felt tired. felt the strain. Then I thought, its not really doing anything. So I thought I did something I can, cause I had no more strength to pushup anymore. So I did pushups, 45 degrees. I thought bleh, not gonna help. But guess wad it did. After 150 times, I finally felt the lack of energy in my arm. It was as if, I was no longer controlling it. There was completely no energy left. To test how much energy there is lacked, I went to pushup position. I almost fell to just do the pushup position. Then I went down a little, and pushed myself up, it was tough ok... Then I went to do mid-way.. slowly.. slowly... but I dropped. Oh my gosh?? It was totally no strength at all.. Then I raised my hands for 1 minute. My hands almost just dropped, like your head, when you're really sleepy in the middle of a boring class, and after 1 mintue, I let my hands down.. It was painful... but ahaha, shiook...I really couldn't move my hands, I can almost feel my hands dropping even when I'm typing,cause my arms are tired, not the fingers, so nothing supporting my arms, makes it feel, like its dropping. Even if I put it straight horizontal resting on nothing, my hands, its like doing pushups already... Wow, I'm tired.. Ok, left quite alot of work, so better get started.. bye...

always waiting. -9:34 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Yeah.. I know I'm to blame.. I was supposed to focus during the project.. Yeah, its my fault, I was supposed to focus, when a girl keep hitting me at my head, every now and then, I'm supposed to do the work.. I know I didn't try my "best".. Yeah, I was supposed to finish the work, I "didn't try my best" to work, and see the other guys slacking around, I was told to F-off. Yeah, its bloody all my fault. I'm the cause of it. I'll take the rap if we get scolded. ok? Yeah... Work through some girl, taking my stuff now and then, vandalising? Hitting me... I'm supposed to work.. Ok.. I got it... Its my fault...

always waiting. -1:54 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I realised, today, I skipped breakfast, had snacks in between, and skipped lunch, ate 7 nuggets... Then went home, skipped dinner, drank a LARGE, get it. LARGE bowl of soup for dinner. And that's all. lol. Ok, better go do my homework now..

always waiting. -10:21 PM

Typical practical.

Today, first period, went through the test papers of home econs, then went to do practical. Cooking time! So we made burgers. Burgers rule. We first minced a piece of meat, lol, then added stuff in, and mixed. Then we shaped them into patties, and then fried it. Then blah blah, made a burger, finished it fast. Then started suddenly want to draw, so draw stuff.... And yeah. That's bout the interesting today... Further updates might be made to this post. Currently, Conny not on, so time for dota... Haven't had one in a long while...

always waiting. -3:06 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009

The usual so-so...

Just completed my compo, did some blogging round my class blog... Then... dun really know wad to say... just another tiring day with literature and history.... Got owned badly in this 2 subjects... Not THAT bad... but I didn't get THAT near the top. 18/25 literature, 36/50 for history, 45/50 for math. some errors, so 44/50. 2 careless mistakes. Didn't see the rest.. And, Con is officially... my..... just con....

always waiting. -4:28 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can't find it...

I don't know, my life, is currently, in a complete mess, I don't know, whatever happened, I just woke up, from this coma... I don't know, what happened..Did U just take a bait, that leads to nothingness, or did I just got out of battle alive.. Only to be killed... Was I right all the while, was I played around, or cared for... Was there something I should know, that I don't know, that I don't wanna know? Or was it just me... Thinking too much, and need to chill? Was it just getting perfect? Or were things just starting to get clearer? I was asleep all the way, could someone tell me, what I did in my dreams, did they come true, or are they just about to be shattered? I don't know what I'm saying.. Am I blessed? I don't know anymore... I'm just losing my life... Its being drained.... I can't get out of it... I'm sick... Where's the doctor? I'm crazy... where's the psychiatrist? What does it take, to make her treat me like, I'm someone that isn't joking about all that has happened, when will it get serious, or was it too serious right from the start...?

always waiting. -10:05 PM

It hurt...

It was an arrow,
but it wasn't just any arrow,
it was made of the finest material,
and it pierced through,
my only living red object,
What could have hurt me more?
There could have been,
but I'm sure,
It hurt.

You threw in a bait,
It was just some common meat,
But I took it,
and treated it as a treasure,
You reeled the line in,
I realised I took the wrong bait,
Should I let it go,
Or get the treasure I've been wanting,
All I know,
is its being reeled in fast.

I thought we were it,
And then he came along,
Am I still who I used?
Or am I now just despised,
played around like a doll,
mistreated like a kitten,
am I giving too much,
or is it ought to be,
I'm confused,
Should I continue to give it all,
to change how it is,
or to give up,
and to suffer a lighter retreat,
I put my trust in it,
Will it be right?

always waiting. -9:26 PM


LOLLOLOLOLOLOL. Con is officially my DAR... LOLOLOLOLOLOL. XDXDDXDXDXDXDXD.. Sian... dunno what to post liao...

Edit: Omg, con promised to stead with me next year!! :D:D:D:D

always waiting. -5:53 PM

Important Notice for 1E1.


I've created a test blog, its currently being tested, and can be removed at any point of time if it is not wanted due to some hassles and so on. But for now, please visit it. Feedbacks are appreciated at the CBox.

always waiting. -3:57 PM


Got owned for History Test sia... 36/50 nia... I think top scorer got 43.... Anyway, I'm sitting beside the computer, on another Sunday... Having loads of work undone... for the next day... Bleh... no available partners, shall start off my so called training , on monday... After disucssion of NEmation. Bleh... So sian... I've stopped DotA for awhile now...

always waiting. -2:39 PM

the one who waits.


and they say

the forgotten memories.

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
March 2012
May 2014
June 2015

the music in my veins.

the roads that lead away.


Anthony Old Friend GWPS

Atiqah ADSS

BeiLin GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Claudia GWPS

Constance GWPS

Constance(Private) GWPS



Felicia Mei SCSS


Germaine ????

Gillian GWPS

Haris GWPS

Heng Yee GWPS/Cedar Girls

HongWei Di GWPS/Catholic High

Hong Wei's Bro GWPS



Jasreen GWPS

Javis ADSS

Li Ling Mei GWPS/River Valley


Marcus ADSS

Marcus - RageFire GWPS/Zhonghua

Melissa Mei Evergreen?/ADSS

My class' blog GWPS

My class' Blog(old) ADSS

My class' Blog/Forum(new) ADSS

My other blog

My server's forum

Nanzhen Kor Cousin

Nicole Zi nu(lol) ADSS


Putra Syafiq GWPS/BPGHS

Rachel GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Rachel ADSS


Sabrina GWPS

Selene ADSS


Steffi GWPS/?

Story Blog Kaltra - The Lone Walker

Tabby GWPS

This blog GWPS/ADSS

TingTing ADSS


Wei Han ADSS

Wei Qian GWPS

Willy ADSS

Xiao Ping GWPS

XinGe GWPS/Nanyang Girls

XinTong GWPS


Yongjie GWPS

Yu Kiat GWPS

Yu Ting Mei GWPS/CHIJ St. Nicholas

Zi Cheng Mei GWPS/ADSS


1E2'09 ADSS

1E3'09 ADSS

1E3'09's Forum ADSS

1E4'09 ADSS

1N1'09 ADSS

1N2'09 ADSS

6A'06&7 GWPS

6A'09 GWPS

6B'08 GWPS

6D'08 GWPS

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,class blogs

