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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


These days sucked... Connection got cut off bad. Rainy season perhaps? Can't even sign in to Windows Live messenger now that the internet is online. Im still wondering whn in the next few minutes will the Connection get cut off again, probably by some reaper. Been going out while connection was out, slacking below, and duh, back to doing my maps. Except mine is pirated, so probably it didnt keep up with the versions, since I didnt use a real patch. So thr had been errors and so... Also watched shows. Finally managed to catch up and watch Transformers - Revenge of the fallen. Was awesomely cool, great story. Too bad it had to actually end. Thn internet was still nt working, so watched another show ; Cutting edge. Awesome show. Inspiring. Anyway wanted to blog these for awhile...

Actually just wanted to update and say some bullshit stuff but thn i found time becuz the internet went off for long period of times at any time... So gt chance betta take it. Still gt much to do, haizz. I cant even blog probably, gettin cut off and reconnected every minute. And the internet is so slow.... So i've been really inactive on the net. I've officially become nocturnal, becuz i havent slept before 6AM at all since I got to thailand, and slightly be4 tht actually. Cant go and get a quick check, but if i havent added this,
Animes also create interest in the Japanese language :). I've dreamt of becoming a good programmer, game designer, thn some stuff cool like movie designer/director or some sort, and thn some good sports player like basketball, and skating is pretty cool. So yea, i dun really knw why im posting so much, its just some quick things tht come to my mind. Anyway, had some events these days but was lazy whn the internet was good. So and cant rmb now, so yea. Anyway, the thing tht i like bout thailand is tht it gives me the feeling tht sch cant reach me. somehow. school work, nt school life. everything tht sux about sch is gone :)

With tht, ill end off, at least if i can, even save this post.

always waiting. -5:40 AM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fresh air of thailand. Yes, im finally in tht country. Sad to report tht my smalelr dog, my sis' dog is lost, for 2 weeks. Just blogged now. Dad put in effort but, it didnt work. So today was fucked up.
Everything was ok, until it was the airport part. Took 40min to pack up my bag and clear my table.Reached the airport. The ppl said airplane was full. So they are lookin for volunteers to board another plane, to KL, thn to BK. $150 + US$50 voucher for krishop. As I say, Singaporeans are suckers for freebies. Let's mention why I hate that idea. First is volunteer. Second, I've done it once in Taiwan so I knw I hate it. Third, The airplanes are of lower standards. Fourth, It is a hassle to change planes and the time is too long. Fifth, You don't really earn anything bcause the planes you board are of lower standards, and the money only covers up that. What about the time/hassle/w/e? So my conclusion is it sucked. Well, no one else had the brain to think. So I kept the $150 and decided to throw the voucher since I dun wan to buy anything. Why nt giv away? Becuz all money face, jiu shi bu yao gei. In the end, I hate myself for being too kind, still gave it to my mum. = =. So I was feeling so fucked up the whole trip. It still reminded me of my Taiwan trip. We went on a tour, thn we borrowed this stick with a hand on top. I played with my sister and it spoiled. So we told the tour guide and said it was fine, cuz it was cheap. So thn ltr this gal borrowed it from me, and thn ltr returned it. Upon return, the stick was broken. I tot the tourguide meant the whole thing was cheap, so I didnt purposely tell anyone. And ltr, found out the stick was hard to find and expensive. I was scolded by the tourguide very hard in front of everyone. I said it was her, but nobody believed me. All scolded me. Do u knw how I felt tht time? I felt like I was a fucking dog, whr nobody understood me. Yay :) And thn went to KL, followed this guy, walked so fast. Stood and waited for him to do some stuff, stared blankly. After done, sat down like a dummy and stared blankly for another 20min. Thn sat in the plane and stared blankly for another 20min be4 it took off. Knw why I hate it? Anyway, nobody gives a fuck anyway. All see money only, $_$. In the first place, we were just supposed to take the plane normally. fuck today.

always waiting. -12:36 AM

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So I've just walked around my school there de neighbourhood for like 1hrs ++. Was just wandering around, had some "old" memories come back. My ex-school was re-painted. The metal which was blue now became gray, the coloured wall became dark green, and the pale yellowish-white wall remained. The park next to the basketball court was partially done, almost like crescent park, just smaller. Then went around the brown playground area, the block of HDBs beside our school, yeah. That was where I spent my childhood. The carpark's black metal became dark gray. Ah.... Those days...

always waiting. -1:12 PM

I stayed home as usual. Bored, cuz i cant stay up late to draw, neither can i watch anime. too little ppl to cw. My anime watching career has about about come to an end. Some pointers after prolonged watching:
1) Prolonged watching of animes can make you long for the characters to be in the real world. Why? Impossibly cute eyes, and some impossible things like kena whack fly 100 feets, 1 second after a serious wound you're perfectly fine, and really exaggerated facial expressions.
2) Your IQ will drop. Why? I won't go into the details... hehe.
3) They help you at drawing animes. Why? Cuz looking at the shapes/expressions/eyes/hair/W/e tend to help? Like remembering the technique or smth.
4) Are really good time wasters, especially if its longer, and great impossible storylines.
5) Probably more, might have forgotten.
So anyway, I'm going off nao. :)

always waiting. -1:51 AM

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So ytd... I watched 2012, it was awesome! :) Cant really rmb the events. Well, thts wad u get for stayin 33hrs straight, Anyway i oso officially became gold member, and officially like to talk to clan members. :) I oso drew smth with a new technique, http://www.skyblader.deviantart.com/ :)
So thts bout it. ill be leaving in 4 days. T_T

always waiting. -6:16 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

so yea... im back agn. felt smth was missing in life agn. well thts wad i always do, and probably much more tht ppl do as well , but just cant do anything. Some things just cant be told out, even if it can take ur life. sometimes... u cant get wad u wan. u cant do wad u wan. u cant do foolish stuff cuz of this suckish world. u cant. :)

Lately been changing day into night and night into day. Woke up in the late afternoons and slept in the morning. Been watching alot of anime these days, as much as clan war-ing but thn aft i was banned from carry and nobody gav a fuck to wad i said, ive officially stopped doin tht and its now all pubs fer me. Just watched amaenaideyo first 13 episodes ytd, and realised it continued so i watched it today, aft the 6 episodes of kampfer tht is. Kampfer is getting episode 7 this saturday or sunday.. i heard. Anyway back to the point, just watched amaenaideyo episode 3 and it was hilarious. :)

So thts bout it for today. Catching a movie ltr in the afternoon. dun intend to sleep until thn.

always waiting. -4:11 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

I realised, I haven't posted in quite awhile. Been drawing lately(http://skyblader.deviantart.com/), and of course DotA-ing. Missing somebody. Going online much less. Well, feel like going out, cant. Its been boring these few days, and I hate it. Just gives me some time to go to my room, lie on the bed, stare at the ceiling, and let my soul be lost in thought. Emotions, predictions, grieve and God knows what else. It'll just be a few hours later when I suddenly come back to reality, and find out how much time I've wasted. My next target would be Inuyasha and Kagome together, stay tuned. :)

always waiting. -7:55 AM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


today sucked. didnt sleep as usual. 5am went to mac with ant. talked bout prank calls , laughed like nobodys business, stomachache + tears. thn went home, took a nap while he fixed warcraft on the desktop. thn we dota-ed tgt be4 goin to martin's house. went thr slacked/napped/prank called. Had a fun time until it reached klins ha. I hate him :). it keeps coming back aft it goes away. Yea so i napped awhile be4 walkin home. thn dota-ed. make me sibei dulan. why? i at top lane with him, i keep lure the 2 heroes and thn die, thn he get the kills. Yes, my aim, he carry mah. thn he late game call me feeder/spy? ask me switch over? steady loh, i spy. help thm lose loh, deny all switches. He called me nolife kid and noob. yea, i told him spy = no life kid + noob, he oso diam diam. this kind of ppl fight oso get no whr. bless him oso kena, curse him oso kena, help him oso kena, dun help him so kena. so w/e

always waiting. -3:47 PM

Monday, November 2, 2009


ok so on sunday, i slept at 8am. woke up at 10+, got ready waited for sis and reached church at 12+. Slacked till 1+, went to suntec to make specs. Well for dad and sis, while i just gt shades. Shopped arnd while waitin for the specs, felt sick. well, just not enuff rest. Sis hand itchy go touch a button, made a crazily loud sound and she was like "wdf" and zhao. Had fun ytd, chatted bout sch and stuff. Finally went home, thn reached home. took a quick 5min nap and thn off to dinner. Ate the least and thn slacked/phoned. Thn went home, com-ed till 2am. woke up today at 11+, skipped lunch and slept till 2pm? Thn woke up and went to get my first ATM card, YESH. Be4 eating KFC and goin home. thts bout it. I probably dun rmb some important details cuz i was tired, but just rmb i hav crazy family tht jokes alot :)

always waiting. -4:41 PM

the one who waits.


and they say

the forgotten memories.

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
March 2012
May 2014
June 2015

the music in my veins.

the roads that lead away.


Anthony Old Friend GWPS

Atiqah ADSS

BeiLin GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Claudia GWPS

Constance GWPS

Constance(Private) GWPS



Felicia Mei SCSS


Germaine ????

Gillian GWPS

Haris GWPS

Heng Yee GWPS/Cedar Girls

HongWei Di GWPS/Catholic High

Hong Wei's Bro GWPS



Jasreen GWPS

Javis ADSS

Li Ling Mei GWPS/River Valley


Marcus ADSS

Marcus - RageFire GWPS/Zhonghua

Melissa Mei Evergreen?/ADSS

My class' blog GWPS

My class' Blog(old) ADSS

My class' Blog/Forum(new) ADSS

My other blog

My server's forum

Nanzhen Kor Cousin

Nicole Zi nu(lol) ADSS


Putra Syafiq GWPS/BPGHS

Rachel GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Rachel ADSS


Sabrina GWPS

Selene ADSS


Steffi GWPS/?

Story Blog Kaltra - The Lone Walker

Tabby GWPS

This blog GWPS/ADSS

TingTing ADSS


Wei Han ADSS

Wei Qian GWPS

Willy ADSS

Xiao Ping GWPS

XinGe GWPS/Nanyang Girls

XinTong GWPS


Yongjie GWPS

Yu Kiat GWPS

Yu Ting Mei GWPS/CHIJ St. Nicholas

Zi Cheng Mei GWPS/ADSS


1E2'09 ADSS

1E3'09 ADSS

1E3'09's Forum ADSS

1E4'09 ADSS

1N1'09 ADSS

1N2'09 ADSS

6A'06&7 GWPS

6A'09 GWPS

6B'08 GWPS

6D'08 GWPS

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,class blogs

