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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

So it was a rerun of HSM 3. I've forgotten it for some time now, used be my huge fav. I dreamt of a future that seemed so impossible. It is possible, the question is, who's gonna have that determined fighting spirit that will burn? No, not me. If it has to be me, ha, you won't be seeing it any time soon. Its called confidence, and its also called, people not knowing important facts and just bring others down. But then again, who can be perfect. Lots of ex-memories, are just being missed ike never. Especially with my broken speakers, it just sucks. So tired now, haven't slept in awhile. Its amplifying emotion's damage. It feels really good, but its sad, its, just sad. Its something that can be said, thought of as a normal suckish thing and just skipped, never the author's way of wanting it. It sucks to know that. It sucks to feel what I'm feeling now. But who would think so much for a day's of unrest, spending it all working the brains out to code/create systems and spells.

>This guy is nuts.

Its NYE. Better grab some sleep before 12am. That's where the fun starts. Half hoping these memories would be washed down the drain. Easily done, but another half hoping there was enough time for reminiscing.

Got a new hair cut. Layer Spike. Overgrowing reputation on TH.net. Proud of it. Though it does nothing. Be back on designing soon, or stuff related.

This is where I sign off.

>This guy is nuts.
Yes, I am.

always waiting. -3:53 PM

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I've learnt something today. Months/ years ago, I worked in a forum. I helped people for the sake of getting reputation points. (Reputation points are given from others) I checked my reputation page every day. Helped people for the sake those points. Until finally, these few days, I helped people, for the sake of helping them. To my surprise, Checked the reputation page on 1 fine day, it rose by a big amount. Think you know what I learnt today.

I'll still say it anyway; Don't help/give to get something good.

always waiting. -9:12 AM

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Today, I had a dream. *Wads wrong with him? Its just a dream...* A weird dream. *Dreams ARE weird...* I haven't dreamt for a long time. It was just blank sleeps. Totally blank. Close your eyes, open it and its day.


always waiting. -5:21 AM

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Didnt sleep ytd. Went out in the morning today, caught a movie at 9.30am. The lucky draw was epic. They called out random numbers and nobody went out. They kept calling for a long time but nobody got it. So in the end, they just " Who wants free calendars? " And gave it to people who wanted. Epic draw lol. What movie? Yes, avatar :). One of the epic movies which included serious work and time, and of course not forgetting the latest technologies. Drawing it out, and then using points to create facial expressions on the avatar just like on a human. Same goes for the body. Heard it was intended to make 15 years ago, but the technology just wasnt thr. Anyway aft the movie went to get my tablet. Looks really good, but of cuz, tht comes with the $179 craziness. Havent tried it out, but i tink itll work fine :).Thn aft, came home and slept. Woke up arnd 10 to hav dinner be4 playing the long lost game halo haha. Uh yeah, just heard remixes of 2 songs tgt. Pretty cool, until a song had to end it. so yea thts bout it.

Some things can't be shared.

always waiting. -1:50 AM

Friday, December 18, 2009

Is it my fault again? Ha, I guess it is. It always is right? I'm at fault, then I take unnecssary blame, its my fault again. Then I'm sore, its my fault again, I don't do stuff its my fault again, even when people are listening to the music and I'm not from the computer and I'm unaware everyone flaming me, its my fault again, even though I'm not the one who set it, its my fault again, its my fault that I don't know that they are listening to the music when I'm not, its my fault for making them wait, it always is. Isn't it? Its always my fault real world, fake world whatever world. But its ok, I've gotten use to it. Accepting it as my fault always solves the problem. Afterall, that's human's nature. Who doesn't want to be right? I'll just take the blame. Its okay, its better that someone else feels better, that I'm the spoilt kid, the immature kid, the one that hasn't grown up. Well it definitely makes them feel better, cause in everyone's mind I'm the young kid that's in fault. :)

always waiting. -8:01 PM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Im feeling, a huge amount of sadness. Maybe cuz i watched drama too much, iq dropped, fantasize too much. Either tht, or im finally feeling thailand is another home, and no longer hating going there, even loving thr. Especially since the house is like a hotel. Moving house, but im nt thr to do it, so thtll be my mum and dad. Im feeling, sad. Cuz, its like losing somebody you love, maybe it is someone. But thn agn, loving someone isnt having him/her, but wanting him/her to be happy regardless of urself. So thn agn, if someone you love leaves u to find happiness, u wouldnt be sad. So maybe i used a wrong example. And I thought I was picky for someone I liked. Maybe getting despo lowered it. Or maybe, thrs just more and more high standard girls. But i wouldnt concentrate on tht now. Ive understood something much more important.

always waiting. -7:29 PM

Just yesterday, tried out my new pencils. They were awesome. I'm interested in break dancing, cuz theyre so cool, and tht also means i gotta start training. (sounds familiar) While at it, ill also jog daily, if i can. This year, im gonna work harder, once, like no other. On my studies, my talents, etc. Aw man, and Im gonna practise really hard on my drawings. They R AWESOME. Like SERIOUSLY. If u dun like it, u must be some retards thinkin ur so good. :) Check this out! DotA players, know whos Kunkka? Other than the admiral proudmoore? Yes, hes the designer for pretty much, everything for DotA and hes a co founder of that website. :) Kunkka, artgerm(stanley), Kai Lim, But no idea whether he has a DA account. So yeah, thts pretty much thr.

always waiting. -11:43 AM

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ok im back in sg. So, im starting to miss thailand more. Its hard to cherish both at once... thrs just not enough time. Moved to a new house in thailand, probably big enough to be a hotel(just for friends etc. not the public... = =). Hmmm. I hate goin to thailand, and if i do, i hate goin back to sg. Tht just sucks. Anyway im awake for 60 hours now, just chionged drama/movies/etc. for 2 days. as in half on first day full on 2nd day and half on third day.

Madam White Snake review:
This show is lousy :), not for a 2005 show though. The story is ridiculous. But somehow, I got stuck onto this impossible love story, the kind where, "omfg, she so chio, i like you". Next day," Will u die for me?" "yes". O.O Yeah. But its touching, its probably the dream love of everyone, but wad are the chances u'll run into a perfect demon and love him/her so much. Sad part is tapai gt ppl break thm apart. And gt 1 siao monk. Haizz u just wan to destroy the cds. Its just like," OMFG THIS CANT HAPPEN, THEIR SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER T_T." *bam goes the player :)* So yeah in the end, the demon kena caught by the monk and trapped in the thingy forever. Thn the guy go become monk sweep the floor for her every day, thn she every day send umbrella over him. Like until the guy become old. Really very effin sad. :( Anyway they just call thm demon, but its actually beings tht can have some sort of special power, looks evil and are not immortal. So, everybody think theyre bad, thn the monk like crazy go catch catch catch. Knn whack him = =. just sad loh. I didnt cry but i feel so bad tht i didnt. whn i meant perfect, its just perfect. But, u wouldnt be able to find some sibei chio, heart oso sibei chio and so power . haizzzz. so sad.

Ok yeah. so end of review. Watched harry potter and the half blood prince part 1 and 17 again last night. Wanted to watch the Blood, the last vampire but no time. 17 again rocked. :) Harry potter and the hlaf blood prince, cant wait for part 2. Horcruxes FTW :) I dun tink dumbledore died.

Ok yeah, so thts pretty much the end. IM FEELINGA SO SADH :(

always waiting. -3:05 PM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bet nobody knew I went to Hua hin. Yeah, actually, nobody really cares. Sometimes its almsot like I'm talking to mah self, but its gettin normal. Its gettin, part of my life. So yeah, i went to hua hin for 1 day, contents are discreet, not cuz theyre wadeva but cuz im lazy. So whn we came back the windows were downed all the way, the wind numbed mah face, it was like, whr did my eyeball and ear go? Uhhuh, thn from 2h become a 4-5 hours ride becuz lost the way, went rund and round. My dad shlda fetched me. Thts pretty much about it i guess.

always waiting. -3:51 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Back from Chiang Mai. Starting to enjoy Thailand but still missing SG. The hotel we stayed in kinda wasn't really advanced, like a house kind, but still the facilities were great. Breakfast was simple and good... They had a pub, snooker/billiard tables ( but we still played pool with billiard balls :)), Karaoke with wine yesh. No swimming pool but, pretty much ok. idk wad to post now.. So bored. and yeah, i guess thts about it.

always waiting. -11:27 AM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Probably didnt tell anyone tht i came to chiang mai yet. Hard time finding internet source so just did map making. Ytd went to Maesa Elephant Camp. Despite the stench, alot people enjoyed it there. Why? Basically cause they trained the elephants so well. The lephant knows how to salute, knows how to greet, how to take the trainer's hat and put it on the tourist/guest, extremely cute, knows how to give the funny face. Basic stuff over. Now, thjey also know how to play soccer, how to throw darts, know how to work, but thts normal, know how to play hoola hoop( with trunk duh), know how to play musical instruments, and lastly know how to paint, if thts the last.. cant remember. but they were great. Cant upload pics now, but ill do so back in bangkok. The paintings sell for a few thousand baht up to 1.5million baht. Basically about a few hundred sing dollars to 60+ k sing dollars. It won the guiness world record. A group of elephants painted a very nice scenery. But no pics were allowed so... yeah.

Anyway, met up with several old friends, my dad's friends in my stay here. Today's sermon was great, just sad how many people didn't get to attend it. Im missin alot of things and thinkin alot lately, maybe too much. Well.. the things im gonna post are kinda wad im feeling now but thts pretty much the same or posted be4 and its pretty much a moment of folly as always and probably cuz im too kind as usual so imma just skip it even though i wanna share. Even if its nt a moment of folly, still. The same outcome.

Cant really rmb wad i wanted to post, especially since its much later thn the time i tot of posting it. So.... yea. and bye.

Feeling sad and as always , am antisocial.

always waiting. -4:30 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yep. This computer did an auto virus scan. 3 Trojan horse type viruses were found in 3 files of my thumbdrive. I guess, my laptop is really infected with virus. :(

always waiting. -11:06 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Yesterday was, eventful. First off, I was morning ragged, or should it be afternoon ragged, My sis, her bf, and my dad. All gang on me :(. I sleeping there they take awway blanket, pillow w/e w/e, spray water blah blah blah. Then, finally, I still went to sleep xD. Missed swimming, but idc. Thn went for buffet, nothing much. Came home, went biking. There was where i tink i almost crashed =/ We went around with my sis and bf, i didnt ride. Thn reached 1 place of straight line, we raced. Pink bike pwned silver bike. But it was really scary goin at max spd, especially if u have to sudden break at the humps, thn scary lah, thn i tapai overshot like crazy. But still win :) Thn suddenly silver bike broke down. Dunno the chaining or wiring or the battery problem. So anyway, a bicycle come by us. Talk to us, dunno what he talking, he see see, awhile thn go away. Thn he call backup, a motorbike comes along, see see look look. Thn call more backup, 1 more bike come see see look look. thn call more backup 1 more bike come. Motorcycle gang go beat ppl :D. So anyway, in the end they pushed it all the way back to our house, gave some tips and yeah. Later in the night drank wine cooler... no effect. Thn a challenge became training and my arms feel like...... breaking or smth. Did dunno how many sets of 10-13. Did wad, thts for me to knw and for u to find out. Dun tink dirty = =. And thats about it...

Btw my laptop died. Click here for more info

always waiting. -7:12 PM

the one who waits.


and they say

the forgotten memories.

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
March 2012
May 2014
June 2015

the music in my veins.

the roads that lead away.


Anthony Old Friend GWPS

Atiqah ADSS

BeiLin GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Claudia GWPS

Constance GWPS

Constance(Private) GWPS



Felicia Mei SCSS


Germaine ????

Gillian GWPS

Haris GWPS

Heng Yee GWPS/Cedar Girls

HongWei Di GWPS/Catholic High

Hong Wei's Bro GWPS



Jasreen GWPS

Javis ADSS

Li Ling Mei GWPS/River Valley


Marcus ADSS

Marcus - RageFire GWPS/Zhonghua

Melissa Mei Evergreen?/ADSS

My class' blog GWPS

My class' Blog(old) ADSS

My class' Blog/Forum(new) ADSS

My other blog

My server's forum

Nanzhen Kor Cousin

Nicole Zi nu(lol) ADSS


Putra Syafiq GWPS/BPGHS

Rachel GWPS/Nanyang Girls

Rachel ADSS


Sabrina GWPS

Selene ADSS


Steffi GWPS/?

Story Blog Kaltra - The Lone Walker

Tabby GWPS

This blog GWPS/ADSS

TingTing ADSS


Wei Han ADSS

Wei Qian GWPS

Willy ADSS

Xiao Ping GWPS

XinGe GWPS/Nanyang Girls

XinTong GWPS


Yongjie GWPS

Yu Kiat GWPS

Yu Ting Mei GWPS/CHIJ St. Nicholas

Zi Cheng Mei GWPS/ADSS


1E2'09 ADSS

1E3'09 ADSS

1E3'09's Forum ADSS

1E4'09 ADSS

1N1'09 ADSS

1N2'09 ADSS

6A'06&7 GWPS

6A'09 GWPS

6B'08 GWPS

6D'08 GWPS

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,class blogs

